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3395 results found
Health topics
… of your vertigo is not clear, your doctor may do other tests. These may include a hearing test (audiometry), a test of your balance system called electronystagmography, or …
Health topics
… with the herpes simplex virus. You probably won't need any tests. If it's not clear that you have cold sores, herpes tests may be done. The doctor takes a sample of fluid from a sore and has it tested. Having the sample taken usually isn't uncomfortable …
Health topics
… is unclear, your doctor may do a potassium hydroxide (KOH) test . This test checks to make sure the rash is not caused by a fungal … the microscope ( biopsy ). In a sexually active person, a test for syphilis is often done. How is pityriasis rosea …
Health topics
… ARDS based on a medical and physical examination and other tests. An arterial blood gas test may be done to check oxygen levels in the blood. You may have other tests, including: A chest X-ray, to look for fluid in the …
Health topics
… symptoms improve. How is it diagnosed? There is no specific test to diagnose psoriatic arthritis. Your doctor may do a … changes in your skin and nails. You may also have imaging tests, such as X-rays, and blood tests. How is psoriatic arthritis treated? Treatment can …
… This medication may rarely cause a severe intestinal condition due to a bacteria called C. difficile. … methotrexate This medication may interfere with certain lab tests (including certain urine glucose tests), possibly causing false test results. Make sure lab …
… safely. This medication may interfere with certain lab tests (such as urine drug screening tests), possibly causing false test results. Make sure lab personnel and all your doctors …
… approval. This medication may interfere with certain lab tests (such as Coombs' test), possibly causing false test results. Make sure lab personnel and all your doctors …
… new symptoms. This medication may rarely cause a severe intestinal condition due to a bacteria called C. difficile. … medical history, especially of: kidney disease stomach/intestinal disease (such as colitis) The liquid form of this … dofetilide This medication may interfere with certain lab tests (including Coombs' test, certain urine glucose tests), …
… with this medication, your doctor should order lab tests to see if you have severe liver disease. This … doctor for more details. Your doctor should also order lab tests and watch for symptoms of worsening liver function … a day. The dosage is based on your medical condition, lab tests, and response to treatment. If you have side effects, …