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6208 results found
Health topics
… ). How are the viruses spread? How a human first got one of these viruses is not known. … the Ebola virus, you may be able to get the Ebola vaccine. Avoid areas where many people have the disease. Check the …
Healthy eating
… your overall digestion. Eat at regular times each day. Avoid eating late at night. Enjoy three meals and up to one … information, see the following resources: Food Journaling: How to Keep Track of What You Eat … al-activity/food-and-nutrition/eating-habits/food-journaling-how-keep-track HealthLink BC – Get …
Health topics
… depends on what your risk of a fracture is and how you feel about the pros and cons of your options. There … calcium and vitamin D. Get regular weight-bearing exercise. Avoid drinking too much alcohol. If you smoke, quit. … doctor will probably ask you to check in over time to see how that plan is working. Having your doctor keep track of …
HealthLinkBC files
… Food allergy needs to be taken seriously. It involves avoiding the food that causes allergic reactions and … treat this as a priority. Do not ignore early symptoms. How is a severe allergic reaction treated? When a reaction … that cause allergic reactions among residents and know how to recognize food allergens on product labels. For more …
Health topics
… Over time, small changes can make a big difference. Here's how to get started. Start slowly. Small changes are easier … and colour of your food. Take your time when you eat. Avoid distractions, such as screens or books, while you eat. … a glass of water with lemon, and snack on carrot or celery sticks. Avoid sweetened drinks like sodas, special coffee …
Health topics
… healthy weight, and not smoking. Talk to your doctor about how a pacemaker might help you. For example, a pacemaker may … the pacemaker to the heart tissue. Then the catheter is removed from your body. Most people spend the night in the … a short time. Check with your doctor about what you need to avoid and what you need to keep a short distance away from …
Health topics
… you'll want to take special care while you're pregnant. Avoid anything that may be infected, such as infected meat … Muscle aches. Fatigue. Fever. Sore throat. Skin rash. How is toxoplasmosis diagnosed? A blood test can tell … sac that surrounds your baby and check for the infection. How is it treated? In healthy people, the infection often …
Healthy eating
… by reducing or stopping NSAIDs. No specific food has been shown to cause ulcers, but some may make your symptoms worse … symptoms worse in some people. If spicy foods bother you, avoid or eat less of them. You can continue to eat spicy … you, limit or avoid them. Speak with a dietitian to learn how to meet your nutrition needs if you are avoiding many …
Health topics
… pet beds, or other items your pet has contact with. Avoid pet urine. If you're allergic to small rodents, such … a new home if your allergy symptoms are severe. Think about how important your pets are to you versus how bad your … be if it is kept outdoors and away from you. Even after you remove a pet, it may take many months before the change has …
Health topics
… This is called recurrent cancer. If the original cancer was removed before it was able to spread, the chances that it … to be found by tests. These cells may continue to grow and show up later as metastatic cancer, even years after … to the liver, it may cause jaundice or belly swelling. How is it diagnosed? Colon or rectal cancer that has spread …