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Health topics
… weeks after the birth. They can sometimes last for months. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will do a physical … to 2 days) after childbirth. Symptoms can include: Feeling removed from your baby, other people, and your surroundings … And get outside as much as you can. Eat a balanced diet. Avoid alcohol and caffeine. If you don't feel hungry, eat …
Health topics
… Rejection, prejudice, and fear can cause long-term stress. How is it diagnosed? Gender dysphoria may be diagnosed when … parts of their body that don't match their gender identity. How is gender dysphoria treated? Usually, gender dysphoria … (Parents, Families, and Friends of Lesbians and Gays). How can you support someone with gender dysphoria? Many, but …
Health topics
… clots. In most cases there is no abdominal (belly) pain. How is it diagnosed? Diverticular bleeding is diagnosed by … into your bloodstream and traced to the source of bleeding. How is diverticular bleeding treated? Bleeding from … injection of medicines, and in some cases surgery to remove the diseased part of the colon. How can you prevent …
Health topics
… whatever caused the nodule, like symptoms of an infection. How are they diagnosed? Your doctor may have found one or … you at risk? Your doctor will look at several things to see how likely it is that a nodule is cancer. Your doctor will … sample). If the nodule is cancer, you may have surgery to remove the cancer. Or you may have some type of cancer …
Health topics
… Trouble breathing when you lie down. Swelling in your legs. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will ask questions about … tissue, called a biopsy , to make a definite diagnosis. How is restrictive cardiomyopathy treated? Most of the time, … you can do every day to feel better, stay healthy, and avoid the hospital. Take your medicines as prescribed. This …
Health topics
… to serious disease. Treatment can usually cure hepatitis C. How is it diagnosed during pregnancy? A blood test for … First, a hepatitis C (HCV) antibody test is done. This shows whether you've been exposed to this virus. If the test … can damage your liver and cause problems in your baby. Avoid illegal drugs and cannabis. And don't use tobacco or …
Health topics
… for months or years and can lead to chronic arthritis . How is it diagnosed? Salmonellosis is diagnosed based on a … and blood tests may be done to confirm the diagnosis. How is salmonellosis treated? You treat salmonellosis by … when it is no longer "pink") to tell you that it is done. Avoid raw or unpasteurized milk or other dairy products. …
Health topics
… in pregnant women. That's because researchers worry about how the medicines might affect the baby. But some medicines … so long by so many women that doctors have a good idea of how safe they are. In general, doctors say it is usually … medicines during pregnancy Doctors usually tell women to avoid medicines during pregnancy, if possible, especially …
Health topics
… side. This can help prevent choking and help them breathe. How can you help prevent an overdose? If you or someone … that others know that you have a kit and that they know how to use it. Be careful about the medicines you take. Only … prescribed for you and that come from licensed pharmacies. Avoid pills sold through social media or apps. Products sold …
Health topics
… See a dentist regularly. Your dentist will recommend how often to have routine checkups. Many people should see … Good nutrition is vital to maintaining healthy gums and avoiding tooth decay. Avoid using tobacco products. They can … Make the handle longer and thicker by taping Popsicle sticks or tongue depressors to it. You may also be able to …