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Health topics
… to do, and they agree clearly, without being pressured. How can you teach older children and teens about consent? As … about consent early can help make sure they understand how to set their own boundaries. And it helps them know how … healthy relationships look like. And that can help them avoid unhealthy or unsafe situations in the future. …
Health topics
… doctor. Make sure the doctor knows that you had COVID-19. How are long-term effects of COVID-19 diagnosed? To find out … have certain tests to learn more. You may see a specialist. How are they treated? Your treatment will depend on your … activity, like walking, may help. Get plenty of sleep. Avoid drugs and alcohol. Consider talking to a counsellor. …
Health topics
… memory problems such as dementia can lead to weight loss. How is it treated? If another problem is causing your weight … can help you develop a meal plan that fits your lifestyle. Avoid using expensive supplements for quick weight gain. If … any changes in bowel habits. These may include changes in how often you have a bowel movement, the colour and size of …
Health topics
… Blindness. Droopy eyelids. Problems with eye movement. How are they diagnosed? If your doctor thinks that you have … you will make the decision about whether to have the test. How are mitochondrial diseases treated? Treatment usually … physiotherapy. Eating healthy foods. Getting enough rest. Avoiding people who are sick. Staying at a comfortable …
Health topics
… services if you have any kind of sudden chest pain. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will listen to your heart … , electrocardiogram , chest X-ray, and blood tests. How is pericarditis treated? If there are no other problems, … follow all instructions on the label. Get plenty of rest. Avoid exercise and strenuous activity. Ask your doctor when …
Health topics
… hard time describing this pain. Or you may not be able to show your doctor exactly where it is. How is it diagnosed? A SLAP tear can be hard to identify, … may help. Rehab may include home exercises, stretching, avoiding activities that cause pain, and going to a …
Health topics
… each month. With this method, you won't have your period. How well does it work? In the first year of use: When the … This protects against pregnancy and is also a safe way to avoid having your period. This may help if you have painful … you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Learn how we develop our content . … Overview The patch is used to …
Health topics
… (dizziness), and weakness, and chest pain (angina). How is it diagnosed? When your doctor suspects that you have … You may have other tests to help your doctor see how well your heart is working. How is mitral valve … quit. Medicines and counselling can help you quit for good. Avoid second-hand smoke too. Eat heart-healthy foods. These …
Health topics
… for Stroke Prevention Overview How does stroke rehabilitation (rehab) help you get better … lost as the result of a stroke. Your rehab will be based on how the stroke affected you. It also is based on your … of the stroke. Try not to become too upset by them. Don't avoid someone who's had a stroke. Contact and support is …
Health topics
… by making the home safe. Here are some general tips for how to lower the chance of getting injured in the home. Pad … setting in the hot water heater to 49°C (120°F) or lower to avoid burns. And make sure other liquids (such as coffee, … around furniture. Keep electrical cords off the floor, and remove throw rugs to prevent tripping. If there are steps in …