6206 results found
Health topics
… problems are not life-threatening. But they can affect how you feel about yourself. Very often, this decision is also based on how invasive the treatment is and its chance of success. … medicine You seek other ways to express intimacy. You avoid the side effects of using inserted or injected …
Health topics
… will consider other health problems you may have to see how high your risk is for a deadly heart rhythm and whether … you have, and the way the doctor programs the ICD for you. How is an ICD placed? Your doctor will put the ICD in your … a short time. Check with your doctor about what you need to avoid and what you need to keep a short distance away from …
Health topics
… What is high blood pressure? Blood pressure is a measure of how hard the blood pushes against the walls of your … The first number is the systolic pressure (top number). It shows how hard the blood pushes when your heart is pumping. … 2 standard drinks or less per week will likely help you avoid alcohol-related consequences. Health Tools Health …
Health topics
… these symptoms, he or she needs to be checked by a doctor. How is colic diagnosed? If you are worried about your baby's … noticed any other symptoms. You may also be asked about how the crying affects you and to show how you feed and burp … 1 to 2 hours after a feeding. Offer food on demand. But to avoid overfeeding , be sure to watch for when your baby is …
Health topics
… Your symptoms will depend on the type of seizure you have. How is it diagnosed? Diagnosing epilepsy can be hard. Your … may recommend other treatments. They include: Surgery to remove tissue in the brain or the area of brain tissue where … you follow your treatment plan, also try to figure out and avoid things that may make you more likely to have a …
Health topics
… Groups C and G strep bacteria also can infect the throat. How does it spread? Strep throat can be passed from person … red throat. You may also have a headache and belly pain. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will examine you, ask about … Try the following ideas to help prevent strep throat. Avoid contact with anyone who has a strep infection. Wash …
Health topics
… It happens when trying to use the affected body part. How is it diagnosed? There is no one test to diagnose … tremor. Your doctor may ask about your family history and how long you've had the shaking. Your doctor will watch how … to reduce stress. Regular exercise and massages may help. Avoid drinks or foods with caffeine if they make your …
Health topics
… your partner without touching any part of the genitals. Remove your clothes. Have your partner lie face down. … your partner turn over. Repeat the caressing and kissing. Avoid touching the nipples or any part of the genitals. Concentrate on how good touching your partner feels. Then, trade places. …
Health topics
… symptoms of locally advanced or metastatic prostate cancer. How is it diagnosed? Advanced and metastatic prostate cancer … cancer or to help relieve symptoms. Surgery. The doctor may remove the prostate. This is called radical prostatectomy. … the cancer. Some people choose this because it lets them avoid or delay treatments that can have serious side …
Health topics
… ). Life-threatening allergic reactions ( anaphylaxis ). How is it diagnosed? Latex allergy is diagnosed with a … experienced and equipped to respond to a serious reaction. How is latex allergy treated? It's hard to completely avoid latex, but that's the treatment that works best. Some …