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Health topics
… a pregnancy ends on its own, it's called a miscarriage. How will you know what decision is right for you? For some, … also want to talk with someone close to you who understands how the different choices would affect your life. When can … and puts a tube in your uterus. The tube uses suction to remove the contents of the uterus. This procedure takes less …
Health topics
… But not everyone with the disorder is aware of these urges. How is it diagnosed? A doctor can diagnose TS based on your … problems. These problems sometimes occur along with TS. How is Tourette syndrome (TS) treated? Treatment for TS … may help to identify when tics occur. Then you can try to avoid things that cause tics. Some children do not need …
Health topics
… People with BPS may go days or weeks with no symptoms. How is it diagnosed? To diagnose bladder pain syndrome … out other problems, such as a urinary tract infection . How is BPS treated? Treatment may include: Bladder training. … better. If spicy foods, coffee, or alcohol are a problem, avoid them. Other things you can do to manage the symptoms …
Health topics
… have some bleeding and afterpains as your uterus shrinks. How can you care for yourself? It is easy to get too tired … fluids if you are breastfeeding. Your doctor will tell you how to care for your body as you recover. Your doctor will … your doctor about over-the-counter stool softeners. What to avoid Give your body a chance to heal. Wait to start certain …
Health topics
… On this page: Overview Overview How is it that two people of the same age, gender, and … the other loses it? One piece of the puzzle is metabolism. How well your body burns energy to keep up basic functions … you'll eat, and eat on a regular schedule. It helps you avoid overeating or making poor food choices that are easy …
Health topics
… joint symptoms usually improve after skin symptoms improve. How is it diagnosed? There is no specific test to diagnose … also have imaging tests, such as X-rays, and blood tests. How is psoriatic arthritis treated? Treatment can help … shoe supports to help protect your joints. Try to limit or avoid activities that may cause joint pain or swelling. …
Health topics
… injury). What are the symptoms? The symptoms depend on how badly you have injured the muscle. If the injury is only … cause very sharp pain and leave you barely able to walk. How can you care for yourself when you have a calf muscle … jogging, walking, or biking, and 5 minutes of stretches. Avoid any sport or intense activity that you are not in …
Health topics
… or a dull ache. It occurs most often after you are active. How is it diagnosed? A hiatal hernia often is diagnosed when … doctor may do more tests or give you medicine for GERD. How is a hiatal hernia treated? If you have no symptoms, you … before you lie down. Late-night snacks aren't a good idea. Avoid foods that make your symptoms worse. These may include …
Health topics
… a cold. You may have a headache, fever, or sore throat. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor may be able to diagnose … sexually active person, a test for syphilis is often done. How is pityriasis rosea treated? Pityriasis rosea usually … too warm and sweaty can make the rash and itching worse. Avoid taking hot showers or baths. Keep the water warm or …
Health topics
… extend the spine (such as press-ups ) may relieve symptoms. How is it diagnosed? Sciatica is diagnosed with a medical … (MRI) are done to help find the cause of the sciatica. How is sciatica treated? In many cases, sciatica will … exercises to relieve pain. You can help relieve pain by: Avoiding sitting (unless it is more comfortable than …