6206 results found
Health topics
… to limit fluids, talk with your doctor before you increase how much fluid you drink. Drink fluids slowly, in frequent, … such as dry toast, yogurt, applesauce, bananas, and rice. Avoid spicy, hot, or high-fat foods, and do not drink … You are not feeling better after 1 week of home treatment. How can you prevent gastroenteritis? The best thing you can …
Health topics
… This makes the heart thicker and larger than normal. How is it treated? Health professionals, family or friends, … the cause of the cardiac arrest to prevent another one. How can you prevent cardiac arrest? If you have a health … more than 3 drinks a day for men, 2 drinks a day for women. Avoid using illegal drugs, such as stimulants like cocaine, …
Health topics
… taking your medicine, talk with your doctor first about how to do it safely. You may need to stop slowly over time. … about. It's a health problem, not a character flaw. FAQs How do antidepressants work? There are many different types … can help you treat depression. You can: Eat healthy foods. Avoid alcohol. Get exercise. Get plenty of sleep. Seek …
Health topics
… called a blood thinner, you need to take extra steps to avoid bleeding problems, such as preventing falls and … you take, you may have to get regular blood tests and watch how much vitamin K you eat or drink. If you have a low risk … edoxaban (Lixiana), rivaroxaban (Xarelto), and warfarin. How can medicine help if you have atrial fibrillation? …
Health topics
… or mismatched blood that are linked to blood transfusion. How likely are you to have a reaction to a blood … type during your surgery but not the blood you banked. How likely are you to get a disease from a blood … if a transfusion comes from your own blood. You may avoid a viral infection from a blood transfusion. Viral …
Health topics
… that can lead to poor circulation or low blood pressure. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will check how well you can feel light touch and temperature and will … diet, exercising regularly, not smoking, and limiting or avoiding alcohol. Other treatments depend on your symptoms. …
Health topics
… health plan. It is important to talk with your doctor about how much weight you expect to lose and how long you would need to take the medicine. FAQs What are … while being more active may help you lose weight. You avoid the risks and side effects of taking weight-loss …
Health topics
… of changes you can try are losing weight (if needed), avoiding alcohol and sedating medicines before going to bed, … needed) and sleeping on your side—may reduce your snoring. How is sleep apnea treated? Treatment for sleep apnea can … night in a sleep lab. Your breathing, your eye movements, how much oxygen you're getting, and other physical signs are …
Health topics
… drug use? You may begin to use drugs without thinking about how drugs can harm you and those you care about. You may not … caused by drug use. Ways to reduce harm from drug use Avoid risky situations and activities. Don't get high and … car keys so he or she won't drive while high on drugs. Remove sharp objects and glassware from dance and party …
Health topics
… a pumice stone to prevent calluses only if your doctor has shown you how to use it properly. Put on clean socks each day. Here are some things to avoid. Don't use strong antiseptic soaps, perfumed skin … (such as Epsom salt; iodine; or corn, callus, or wart removers) on your feet. Don't cut or pick at the skin around …