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6348 results found
Health topics
… ablation, cryoablation, neurotomy, or rhizotomy. Your doctor will first identify the nerve or nerves that are sending pain signals to your brain. You will have a test that uses a nerve block , which numbs specific nerves, to help your doctor find the nerves that are causing your pain. …
Health topics
… you do get them. Try to: Find and avoid triggers that cause your headaches. Tension Headache Triggers Migraine Headache Triggers Carry your medicine with you so you can treat a headache right … Exercise regularly, eat well, and reduce stress. Work with your doctor to find the best treatment for your headaches. …
Health topics
… lung tissue next to the bullae can't expand as it should, reducing lung function. Chronic bronchitis affects the … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information … lung tissue next to the bullae can't expand as it should, reducing lung function. Chronic bronchitis affects the …
Health topics
… you quit using tobacco. You can take medicine to reduce your craving for nicotine. You also can use nicotine … and give you smaller and smaller amounts of nicotine. Your doctor can help you decide which medicine—or … warns that you should stop taking the medicine and call your doctor right away if you feel depressed, suicidal, or …
… medical advice and does not substitute for the advice of your health care professional. Always ask your health care professional for complete information about … effects will increase. If you are using this medication at home, learn all preparation and usage instructions from your
Health topics
… Hair loss is hair that is thinning or is falling out of your scalp. It's fairly common. Everyone loses some hair … hair loss. These include avoiding certain medicines, reducing stress, getting adequate protein and iron in your … the hair loss. Learn more Hair Transplant Surgery Self-Care Home treatment for hair loss includes hair care and …
… medical advice and does not substitute for the advice of your health care professional. Always ask your health care professional for complete information about … injection into a vein. If you are using this medication at home, learn all preparation and usage instructions from your
… medical advice and does not substitute for the advice of your health care professional. Always ask your health care … is a long-acting form of psychiatric medication (antipsychotic-type) that works by helping to restore the … is given in a doctor's office and will not be stored at home. Information last revised January 2023. Copyright(c) …
Health topics
… ages: Preschool-age children (5 and younger) Be aware of your child's need for routine and structure. Even small changes in a normal routine can upset your child. Warn your child ahead of time if something that … will happen. This can be something like taking a new route home from the grocery store. Tell your child exactly what …
Medical tests
… is a procedure that looks at the space behind your breastbone and between your lungs. This area is called the mediastinum (say … only a sip of water. Be sure you have someone to take you home. Anesthesia and pain medicine will make it unsafe for …