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Health topics
… Information Overview Regular exercise may help control your diabetes, which can reduce your risk of severe diabetic neuropathy. But depending on what areas of your body have been affected by nerve damage, you may need …
Health topics
… will try to destroy the new organ. These medicines weaken your immune system and make it harder for your body to destroy your new organ. But they also make it harder for your body …
Health topics
… may have hypoglycemic unawareness if you: Can't feel when your blood sugar is low. Have had low blood sugar many … Sometimes you can regain some ability to feel that your blood sugar is low. To do this, you need to avoid … a car. Keep quick-sugar foods with you at all times. At home, have something close at hand, such as glucose tablets …
Health topics
… It usually starts about 3 to 6 weeks after birth. If your baby was born early (premature), symptoms may start … more frequent and more forceful. As the vomiting continues, your baby may: Lose weight. Become dehydrated . Be sleepier … stenosis again. Your baby likely will be ready to go home within 2 days after surgery. Being involved in your
Health topics
… uses medicines that make you unconscious. It affects your whole body. When it's used, you will be unaware. You … and right after the procedure. It also affects many of your body's normal functions, such as those that control … Relaxation exercises may be one option. If you will go home on the same day, arrange for someone to take you home. …
Health topics
… cancer cells. The doctor will put a thin, lighted tool into your urethra. This tool is called a cystoscope or scope. The … of the body. The doctor will gently guide the scope into your bladder. Your bladder will then be filled with fluid. … burn away any abnormal tissue. What To Expect You may go home the same day as your surgery or stay in the hospital …
Health topics
… Information Overview Most blisters heal on their own. Home treatment may help decrease pain, prevent infection, … popped, you may need to drain it. If you do decide to drain your blister, be sure to follow these steps: Wash your hands and gently wash the area around the blister. Wipe …
Health topics
… back up (reflux) into the esophagus. How can you care for yourself when you have it? Take your medicines exactly as prescribed. Call your doctor or nurse advice line if you think you are having …
Health topics
… such as an infection or cancer. How can you care for yourself? Mouth care Gargle with water. Floss your teeth once each day. Use a mouthwash for temporary relief of bad breath. Swish it around in your mouth for 30 seconds before spitting it out. Brush your
Health topics
… activity and arthritis As a health care professional, your recommendations for clients to be more active are … better quality conversations about physical activity with your clients and links to client educational materials. The …