6348 results found
… medical advice and does not substitute for the advice of your health care professional. Always ask your health care … that can help to control or prevent these diseases include reducing stress, eating a low fat/salt diet, losing weight … certain foods (spicy foods, caffeine, alcohol), reducing stress, and exercising regularly. Missed Dose If …
Health topics
… or burn slightly. You may feel a snapping feeling against your skin. When the treatment is done, the area may be … less injury on the surface but affects the deeper layers of your skin. It is used to treat fine lines, deeper wrinkles, … red for several weeks. If you are getting treatment around your mouth, you may get an antiviral drug called acyclovir …
Health topics
… with cool water . Fill a sink or dishpan with water. Put your face in the water, then open and close your eyelids to force water to all parts of your eye. You can also flush your eye under a running faucet …
Health topics
… serious eye damage. Fill a sink or dishpan with water. Put your face in the water, then open and close your eyelids to force water to all parts of your eye. You can also flush your eye gently under a running …
Health topics
… get rid of water. They don't reduce the amount of fat in your body. Risks of taking over-the-counter weight-loss … Appetite suppressants. Using these medicines to control your weight for long periods of time can be dangerous. … Water-loss pills. Diuretics, such as Diurex, reduce your weight by getting rid of water in your body. This may …
… medical advice and does not substitute for the advice of your health care professional. Always ask your health care … that can help to control or prevent these diseases include reducing stress, eating a low fat/salt diet, losing weight … certain foods (spicy foods, caffeine, alcohol), reducing stress, and exercising regularly. Missed Dose If …
Health topics
… gland , a small gland in the brain. Melatonin helps control your sleep and wake cycles. Very small amounts of it are … in low doses for short-term use. But be sure to talk with your doctor about taking them. Children and pregnant or … when you are taking it. During health examinations, tell your doctor if you are taking melatonin. And tell your …
Health topics
… therapy, a counsellor helps you while you remember or use your mind to see the feared object or distressing thought. … with the distressing feelings gradually. And this reduces your symptoms. Activities during exposure therapy vary, … this type of therapy, you are encouraged to: Talk about your fears, thoughts, or feelings of distress. Learn ways to …
Health topics
… Overview Flexibility exercises can help you keep your range of motion when you have an SCI. You may be able to do some of the flexibility exercises yourself. A loved one or a physiotherapist or occupational … behind you that doesn't move. You can try the stretches in your wheelchair (make sure that it's firmly locked) or in a …
Health topics
… a say in this decision, or you may simply want to follow your doctor's recommendation. Either way, this information will help you understand what your choices are so that you can talk to your doctor about them. Wisdom Teeth: Should I Have My …