6348 results found
Medical tests
… there's nothing you have to do before this test, unless your doctor tells you to. How It Is Done Urine sodium can be … catch) may be taken at a health professional's office or at home. A 24-hour sample is done at home. Timed urine collection You collect your urine for a period of time, such as over 4 or 24 hours. …
Health topics
… go to a health care facility. They may have new rules for your safety. These could include having you wear a cloth … than the virus. It's important to communicate with your care provider. If you have an appointment scheduled, … car before you come inside. The person giving you a ride home may be asked to wait outside. These new rules to help …
Medical tests
… This is called sensitivity testing. Depending on what your stool is being tested for, you may only need to collect … an infection has worked as it should. How To Prepare Tell your doctor if you have recently taken antibiotics, … enema. How It Is Done Stool samples can be collected at home. Or you may need to go to your doctor's office, a …
Health topics
… is where blood cells are made. White blood cells help your body fight infection. Red blood cells carry oxygen to all parts of your body. Platelets help your blood clot. When you have … Controlling Nausea and Vomiting From Chemotherapy Cancer: Home Treatment for Nausea or Vomiting Cancer: Home Treatment …
Health topics
… of surgery redirects blood around a blocked blood vessel in your leg. So it may improve the blood flow in your leg. This can decrease leg pain, numbness, and … For at least 2 to 6 weeks, you will need to take it easy at home. It may take 6 to 12 weeks to fully recover. How It Is …
Health topics
… the incisions. The doctor is able to use the scope to see your organs and do the surgery. The type of surgery you have depends on your health needs. With either type of surgery, the … help you learn to care for your colostomy. Most people go home 4 to 7 days after the surgery. You will probably need …
Health topics
… gently encourage someone who uses tobacco to quit. Think of your comments as only one event that may move that person … ask what you can do. Don't assume that the person wants your help or that you know the best way to help. If a person … who is trying to quit, agree to use tobacco outside your home or limit it to one room. Better yet, agree to quit with …
Health topics
… be done later as a separate procedure. What to expect After your surgery, you will be taken to a recovery room. A nurse … surgery area. If these tubes are still in place when you go home, your nurse will teach you how to take care of them. Your …
Health topics
… limit pain after surgery. What To Expect You will likely go home a few hours after you wake up from anesthesia. A family … times a day, as directed. Always keep a cloth between your skin and the ice pack. Taking pain medicines as prescribed. Immobilizing and protecting your shoulder by wearing a sling as directed. Your doctor …
Health topics
… pregnancy Last updated August 3, 2013 When you're pregnant, your partner may be your primary support. But no one person can give you all you … Attending appointments and prenatal classes Preparing the home for the new baby Being involved in the labour and birth …