6346 results found
Health topics
… Depression: Helping Someone Get Treatment Actionset Overview Your loved one or friend doesn't seem the same. You thought … going on for weeks. And it seems much worse than that. Is your friend grieving over something? Or could it be … or a friend, you probably want to talk to him or her about your concerns. Here are some things you can do: Tell the …
Health topics
… room temperature, or within 24 hours if refrigerated. Let your stomach rest. Start to eat small amounts of mild foods if you feel like it. After your diarrhea is gone, you may eat a regular diet again. … younger are at high risk of dehydration from diarrhea. If your child has diarrhea: Give your child a solution of WHO …
Health topics
… is the only known genetic (inherited) factor that increases your chances for developing emphysema. Alpha-1 antitrypsin … are a carrier . The good copy of the gene you received from your other parent is enough to tell your body how to properly make alpha-1 antitrypsin. Some …
Health topics
… One runs along each side of the neck. They supply blood to your brain. When plaque builds up in either one, it can limit blood flow to your brain. The plaque also raises your risk of stroke. This surgery may lower your risk of …
Health topics
… do not know who will get it and who will not. Neither your fitness level nor being male or female plays a role in … "thinner" at high altitudes. When you go too high too fast, your body cannot get as much oxygen as it needs. So you need … the headache and other symptoms of altitude sickness. As your body gets used to the altitude, the symptoms go away. …
Health topics
… are common with radiation therapy. The skin in the area of your body that is getting radiation may turn red and tender, … during radiation therapy. And you should check with your doctor before using any deodorants, lotions, or creams on the treated area. To care for your skin: Use lukewarm water for showers or quick baths. …
Medical tests
… a dye called contrast material is injected into a vein in your arm. A series of X-ray pictures is then taken at timed … have an enema the morning of the test) to make sure that your bowels are empty. If you are breastfeeding, you may … The contrast material used in this test can get into your breast milk. Before the IVP, tell your doctor if: You …
Medical tests
… water) for 10 to 12 hours before the test. How It Is Done Your health professional drawing blood will: Wrap an elastic band around your upper arm to stop the flow of blood. This makes the … to the needle to fill it with blood. Remove the band from your arm when enough blood is collected. Put a gauze pad or …
Health topics
… darker area around it (areola) are created at a later time. Your breasts will look different after surgery. Your new breast may be more firm, round, or flat than your other breast. It may also not feel the same as the …
HealthLinkBC files
… with the food products you buy, and know how to prepare your food safely. Handle and prepare all raw poultry and … bacteria More ways to reduce the risk of infection: Wash your hands with soap and warm running water at a sink and … dry hands with disposable single-use towels. Always wash your hands: Before eating Before handling food Right after …