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Health topics
… the following space to list questions, concerns, and next steps. Your Summary Here's a record of your answers. You can … or loved ones about your decision. Your decision   Next steps Which way you're leaning How sure you are Your … the following space to list questions, concerns, and next steps.   By Healthwise Staff Primary Medical …
Health topics
… the following space to list questions, concerns, and next steps. Your Summary Here's a record of your answers. You can … or loved ones about your decision. Your decision   Next steps Which way you're leaning How sure you are Your … the following space to list questions, concerns, and next steps.   By Healthwise Staff Primary Medical …
Health topics
… postpartum blues, also called the "baby blues," during the first few days after childbirth. They may lose sleep, feel … Poor concentration. In some women, sometime in the first 3 months after delivery, the baby blues become a more … Many new moms feel down, anxious, or irritable during the first few days after giving birth. But there are many things …
Health topics
… every day, but they do need to stay clean and dry. For the first bath, it helps to have someone experienced with you. … the hospital will show you how to bathe your baby for the first time. On this page: General tips Eyes and face Scalp … washing, think cleanest to dirtiest. Wash the eyes and face first and work your way down to the diaper area, leaving it …
Health topics
… the care you can expect during pregnancy, birth, and the first weeks after your baby's birth A place to record … through your sacred journey of pregnancy, birth and baby’s first few weeks. The passport provides an expectant mother …
Health topics
… updated August 8, 2013 The fourth stage of labour is the first two or three hours after birth. During this time you … your baby skin-to-skin until after your baby finishes the first feeding and then for as long as you wish. Skin to skin …
Health features
… Make a plan and make sure someone can call 9-1-1 at the first sign of distress Use sterile syringes and inject slowly with small amounts at first Use supervised injection services when possible Do not … 90 minutes. A second dose of naloxone may be needed if the first dose does not restore a normal breathing rate. If the …
HealthLinkBC files
… at 2 months of age. It is given as a series of 2 doses. The first dose is given at 2 months of age, and the second at 4 … that your baby gets the rotavirus vaccine on time. The first dose of the vaccine must be given before 20 weeks of … of the intestine) has been seen in the week after the first dose of rotavirus vaccine. The risk of intussuception …
Health topics
… items and bedding. Smallpox is easiest to spread during the first week of the rash. As scabs form, the person is less … But a person can spread the virus from the time the rash first appears until all scabs have fallen off. If a … the disease to other people. What are the symptoms? The first symptoms of smallpox include a high fever, fatigue, a …
HealthLinkBC files
… light. These symptoms are followed by a rash, which starts first on the face and neck, and spreads to the chest, arms … to others from 4 days before to 4 days after their rash first appears. If you have measles, you can help prevent … by: Staying at home for at least 4 days after the rash first appeared Washing your hands regularly Coughing or …