3821 results found
Health topics
… is between 6 and 12 years old. Parents and teachers may first notice symptoms in children who are in this age group. … person. It may include behaviour therapy and medicines. The first step is an accurate diagnosis of ADHD and an … and teachers often notice this behaviour during the child's first few years in school. Your child shows signs of other …
Health topics
… whatever illness or problem put you in the hospital in the first place. An infection can add weeks to your hospital stay. So it's important to learn the steps you need to take to keep yourself as healthy as … whatever illness or problem put you in the hospital in the first place. An infection can add weeks to your hospital …
Health topics
… for beauty in what's around you. Step outside. Focus on the first tree, plant, or shrub you see. Visit a market, and … for beauty in what's around you. Step outside. Focus on the first tree, plant, or shrub you see. Visit a market, and …
Health topics
… bedwetting are worn on the body and make a sound when urine first touches the child's underclothing. The child is … any wet spot. Resets the alarm and goes back to sleep. At first, parents may need to help the child with all of the above steps. Children younger than 10 may not hear the alarm, but …
Health topics
… It can happen to any woman. But it's most common during the first 6 months of breastfeeding, especially during the baby's first 2 months. After 2 months, the baby's feeding patterns … the breast through a cracked or sore nipple. Taking these steps can help prevent mastitis. Breastfeed regularly. …
Health topics
… can help you see if you've reached your daily goal for steps. Use an app on your phone or tablet. There are many … can help you see if you've reached your daily goal for steps. Use an app on your phone or tablet. There are many …
Health topics
… of treatments works for everyone. Treat the worst symptom first Start by listing your worst symptoms—the ones that … it hardest to get through the day. With your doctor, focus first on treating those symptoms. Decide whether a … Drugs (NSAIDs) Pain Management Self-Care Here are some steps you can take to control and sometimes relieve your …
Health topics
… power outlet, have an electrician install one. Stairs and steps ____ Pick up papers, shoes, books, or other things on … keep objects off stairs. ____ Fix loose, broken, or uneven steps. ____ Make sure you have plenty of light in stairways. … power outlet, have an electrician install one. Stairs and steps ____ Pick up papers, shoes, books, or other things on …
Health topics
… many homes, especially in inner-city areas. Here are some steps you can take to remove cockroaches from your home: … which carry air to the lungs. So chemicals aren't the first choice for controlling cockroaches in the home. If you … which carry air to the lungs. So chemicals aren't the first choice for controlling cockroaches in the home. If you …
Health topics
… forms of cancer and diabetes Getting started Take these steps to get started: See your doctor or health practitioner … needed) to participate in the activity safely. Safety is first and foremost when you're starting out Recognize your …