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3821 results found
Health topics
… had radiation as part of cancer treatment, you can take steps to avoid lymphedema . If you already have lymphedema, … an arm or leg that is affected. Call your doctor at the first sign of a rash or inflammation on your arm or leg. … an arm or leg that is affected. Call your doctor at the first sign of a rash or inflammation on your arm or leg. …
Health topics
… stay with a healthy eating plan? Update your goals When you first started your healthy eating plan, you probably had one … change. Remember to make your short-term goals small steps. For example, if you want to lower your blood … stay with a healthy eating plan? Update your goals When you first started your healthy eating plan, you probably had one …
Health topics
… such incidents are difficult to prepare for, there are steps you can take to protect your health and well-being. … you know what to watch for. Use the safest water you have first before turning to other water sources. If you know or … kit are the same no matter what the situation: water, food, first aid supplies and medicines, blankets and clothing, …
Health topics
… GERD can help with heartburn during pregnancy. These focus first on making lifestyle changes, such as changing your … treated? Treating heartburn during pregnancy focuses first on making lifestyle changes. These are things like … sodium bicarbonate, magnesium trisilicate, or aspirin. Take steps to sleep more comfortably. Raise the head of your bed …
Health topics
… a fallopian tube . (This is where fertilization and the first stage of cell division take place.) Here are some … the chances of conception in the fallopian tubes. The first step of each of these treatments is superovulation . … a fallopian tube . (This is where fertilization and the first stage of cell division take place.) Here are some …
… Prazosin can occasionally cause sudden fainting after the first dose and anytime that your dose is increased. To reduce your risk of fainting, the first dose prescribed by your doctor will be the smallest dose available. You should take this first dose as you are going to bed. This will decrease the …
Health topics
… Not having a spleen. To clean a wound well: Wash your hands first. Remove large pieces of dirt or debris from the wound … and moisture-enhancing bandages are available with other first-aid products. Before you buy or use one, be sure to … shot To decide if you need a tetanus shot after a wound, first decide if the object that caused the wound was dirty …
Health topics
… and emergency medical practices ensure that your life comes first. The medical staff who take care of you are completely … list Receiving a donor organ can be a long process. You'll first get an evaluation by a medical team. If they determine … severe side effects, tell your doctor right away. Taking steps to stay healthy Here are some tips to help you and …
Health topics
… to 10 times, add the second step to your breathing: Inhale first into your lower lungs as before, and then continue … slowly through your mouth, make a quiet, whooshing sound as first your left hand and then your right hand falls. As you … any time you need one. Caution: Some people get dizzy the first few times they try roll breathing. If you begin to …
Health topics
… is normal in babies and young children. Most babies and toddlers suck their thumbs. They may also suck on their … is normal in babies and young children. Most babies and toddlers suck their thumbs. They may also suck on their …