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3821 results found
Health topics
… child's visits to a dentist start within 6 months after the first primary teeth appear or by 12 months of age. Babies … teeth can often predict her child's teeth.) After your first visit, schedule regular visits every 6 months or as … child's visits to a dentist start within 6 months after the first primary teeth appear or by 12 months of age. Babies …
Health topics
… can kill the virus. This is called cryotherapy. You can first try an over-the-counter medicine to freeze your wart. … and soak the warts in water. You may have to repeat these steps for up to 2 months. You can buy duct tape at a grocery store or hardware store. Cryotherapy: You can first try an over-the-counter medicine that can freeze your …
Health topics
… No matter what treatment you choose, it's important to take steps to prevent a stroke, manage other health problems, and … It can also relieve symptoms of atrial fibrillation. First, you'll get medicine through a vein to block pain and … It can also relieve symptoms of atrial fibrillation. First, you'll get medicine through a vein to block pain and …
Health topics
… You are motivated to quit smoking and are making small steps toward that goal. In this stage, it's important that … process. This is the stage where you are actively taking steps to quit smoking. You will need willpower to prevent … You are motivated to quit smoking and are making small steps toward that goal. In this stage, it's important that …
Health topics
… whole arm or hand When did it start? Think about when you first noticed the weakness or numbness or when you first noticed a major change in the symptoms. Less than 4 … whole arm or hand When did it start? Think about when you first noticed the weakness or numbness or when you first
Health topics
… bone and breaks off a piece of bone. Treatment may include first aid and using a brace, cast, harness, or traction. It … injured. Avoid things that might increase swelling. For the first 48 hours after an injury, don't let your child do … bone and breaks off a piece of bone. Treatment may include first aid and using a brace, cast, harness, or traction. It …
HealthLinkBC files
… before being used to make TIg. Many chemical and physical steps are included when preparing TIg. These steps include inactivating and removing viruses and bacteria … not be given to children under 6 months of age without first speaking to your health care provider. For more …
HealthLinkBC files
… to wash my hands? To wash your hands properly, follow the steps below: Remove rings or other jewelry on your hands and … reduce the number of bacteria. What are the treatments? The first step in treating a C. diff infection is to stop taking …
Health topics
… your health—congratulations! Making that decision is the first step toward making a change. What happens next? Have a … your health—congratulations! Making that decision is the first step toward making a change. What happens next? Have a …