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1997 results found
Health topics
… all of the layers of skin (a full-thickness avulsion injury), fat and muscle may be visible. This type of wound … or toe are common avulsion injuries. If this avulsion injury is larger than 6.5 mm (0.25 in.) by 6.5 mm (0.25 in.) … but it will give your doctor more information about your injury. Avulsion injuries are usually treated in one of the …
… that may cause severe problems (such as deafness, lung/brain problems, or harm to an unborn baby). Preventing these … radiation treatment) low platelet counts (thrombocytopenia) brain disorders (such as seizures, head injury) blood/plasma transfusions Tell your health care …
Medical tests
… the heart and the blood vessels that go to the heart, lung, brain, kidneys, head, neck, legs, and arms. This test can … of the pericardial sac around the heart) and damage or injury to the heart valves. A bulge (aneurysm) or tear ( … the heart and the blood vessels that go to the heart, lung, brain, kidneys, head, neck, legs, and arms. This test can …
… changing the amounts of certain natural substances in the brain. Fremanezumab belongs to a class of drugs known as … alcohol. Change the injection site each time to lessen injury under the skin. Do not inject into areas of skin that … changing the amounts of certain natural substances in the brain. Fremanezumab belongs to a class of drugs known as …
Health topics
… the body cope with extreme physical stress from illness, injury, surgery, childbirth, or other reasons. Aldosterone … through a chain reaction. First, the hypothalamus in the brain makes a hormone that the pituitary gland needs to make … through a chain reaction. First, the hypothalamus in the brain makes a hormone that the pituitary gland needs to make …
Health topics
… the nerve, muscle, and bone systems, such as stroke or brain injury. What are the symptoms? Clubfoot is painless in a … the nerve, muscle, and bone systems, such as stroke or brain injury. What are the symptoms? Clubfoot is painless in …
Health topics
… number of pain signals sent by the nervous system to the brain. They also reduce the brain's reaction to those pain signals. An opioid can help … number of pain signals sent by the nervous system to the brain. They also reduce the brain's reaction to those pain …
Health topics
… act with little thought about the end result. The teenage brain has not reached full development, and their choices … they still don't have the life experiences or the brain maturity to guide them in making the best choices. … act with little thought about the end result. The teenage brain has not reached full development, and their choices …
… analgesics and is similar to morphine. It works in the brain to change how your body feels and responds to pain. … important to change the injection site each time to lessen injury under the skin. You should be lying down when the … doctor or pharmacist your medical history, especially of: brain disorders (such as head injury, tumor, seizures) …
Health topics
… constant tension as it covers the body. A cut is a forceful injury to the skin. Many people cut themselves with … such as slicing off the tip of a finger. An avulsion injury may take a long time to heal. Cuts from an animal or human bite. Infection is more likely with a bite injury. Cuts that have damage to tissues under the cut. …