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Health topics
Health topics
… ingredients, which can cause allergic reactions or other problems. Talk to your pharmacist for more details. Before … failure, recent heart attack) high blood pressure kidney problems liver problems (such as cirrhosis) mental/mood disorders (such as …
… ingredients, which can cause allergic reactions or other problems. Talk to your pharmacist for more details. Before … as anemia, low lymphocyte/neutrophil count) cancer heart problems (such as previous heart attack) kidney disease … ingredients, which can cause allergic reactions or other problems. Talk to your pharmacist for more details. Before …
… eye infection and may increase your risk for other eye problems (such as glaucoma, cataracts, delayed wound … ingredients, which can cause allergic reactions or other problems. Talk to your pharmacist for more details. Before … eye infection and may increase your risk for other eye problems (such as glaucoma, cataracts, delayed wound …
Health topics
… to form a triangle with the tips of the crutches and your foot. It's harder to balance if they all line up. When you … to form a triangle with the tips of the crutches and your foot. It's harder to balance if they all line up. When you …
… help right away if you develop symptoms of worsening liver problems. Uses This product contains 2 drugs: abacavir and … this medication has caused severe (sometimes fatal) liver problems and a buildup of lactic acid in the blood (lactic … following serious symptoms, including: symptoms of liver problems (such as nausea/vomiting that doesn't stop, loss of …
Health topics
… coming from your vagina or uterus. They can also check for problems. Treatment depends on the cause of the bleeding. … drive you. You are in an area where heavy traffic or other problems may slow you down. Seek Care Today Based on your … for medical transport to the hospital. Pregnancy-Related Problems Missed or Irregular Periods Self-Care With some …
Health topics
… waiting for 1 to 2 years after the surgery to get pregnant. footnote 1 This surgery helps people lose a lot of weight … getting pregnant. Lower your chance of some pregnancy problems. These include high blood pressure and gestational … your risk of needing a caesarean section (C-section). footnote 2 Prenatal care In most ways, your prenatal care …
Health topics
… goes away on its own within a week or two without causing problems. But jaundice should be taken seriously. In rare … called kernicterus . This can lead to serious lifelong problems. What causes it? Jaundice occurs because your … ( Rh incompatibility ). Your baby may have one of these problems if jaundice appears less than a day after birth. …