5063 results found
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… serious side effects, such as urinary, bowel, and erection problems. Many prostate cancers grow slowly. This means that … outcomes with and without PSA testing in men ages 55 to 69 footnote 3 * Outcomes Without PSA testing With PSA testing … my blood pressure and cholesterol because I know that treating those things can help me live longer and better. I …
Health topics
… from spreading it to those who are at risk for more serious problems. With good care, most people recover from whooping cough with no problems. But severe coughing spells can decrease the blood's oxygen supply and lead to other problems, such as pneumonia . The illness can be dangerous …
Health topics
… lighter and have so much more energy now. I have no more problems keeping up with my kids!" This story is based on … lighter and have so much more energy now. I have no more problems keeping up with my kids!" This story is based on …
Health topics
… loose skin, and age spots. Cataracts and other eye problems. Protect your eyes with UV-blocking goggles during … loose skin, and age spots. Cataracts and other eye problems. Protect your eyes with UV-blocking goggles during …
Health topics
… also used to reduce anxiety and agitation. They can reduce problems with thinking or remembering ( cognitive impairment … can be a problem or can be serious. If you're having problems with side effects, talk to your doctor. Your doctor … if all the medicines you take are safe. Other health problems. Before taking a medicine, be sure your doctor or …
… This medication must be used regularly to prevent breathing problems (attacks of wheezing/shortness of breath). It does … be working well. Learn when you can treat sudden breathing problems by yourself and when you must get medical help … medication may cause severe sudden worsening of breathing problems/asthma immediately after use. If you have sudden …
… suicidal thoughts/attempts, or other mental/mood problems. Tell your doctor right away if you or your … ingredients, which can cause allergic reactions or other problems. Talk to your pharmacist for more details. Before … your medical history, especially of: certain hormone problems (adrenal disease such as Addison's disease) liver …
… be working well. Learn when you can treat sudden breathing problems by yourself and when you must get medical help … effects. Rarely, this medication may cause sudden breathing problems/asthma right after you use it. If this occurs, use … serious side effects, including: unusual tiredness vision problems easy bruising/bleeding puffy face unusual hair …
Health topics
… more, and have not been able to become pregnant. Fertility Problems: Should I Be Tested? How do infertility tests feel? … blood tests, or an ultrasound , do not usually cause any problems. Other tests that are medical procedures, such as hysteroscopy or laparoscopy, have a higher chance of problems after the test. Where are infertility tests done? …
Health topics
… to breathe. Ascites can be a complication of other health problems, such as liver disease and some cancers. How is … the body. These medicines can help both prevent and treat problems with ascites. Your doctor may prescribe a diuretic … less salt. You'll feel better and will lower your risk of problems. Sodium adds to the problem of ascites by causing …