5063 results found
Health topics
… Overview Many people hesitate to get help for mental health problems. It can be hard to take that first step. Here are … these. Reasons people might not get help for mental health problems, and possible solutions Barrier Solution "It's hard … and courage to seek help from others. Mental health problems are real and can harm your physical health. They …
Health topics
… current passes through the heart muscle, heartbeat problems can develop. Electricity passing through your body … The electrical current from lightning can cause the same problems as from other electrical sources, depending on how … But stun guns and tasers can cause serious medical problems, such as irregular heartbeats (arrhythmias). Others …
Health topics
… nervous system—the brain and spinal cord. It can cause problems with muscle control and strength, vision, balance, … cards, a cell phone, or tapes. Recognize swallowing problems. You can also learn what types of food are better … to your brain's ability to do things like remember, solve problems, and make decisions. MS can make these things …
Health topics
… with the rest of your face. It may also correct structural problems with the nose that cause chronic congestion and breathing problems. Cosmetic surgery should only be done on a fully … bruising around the eyes and nose after rhinoplasty. Other problems that may occur include: Bleeding. Injury or holes …
Medical tests
… doctor estimate the chance that the baby may have certain problems or birth defects. Health Tools Health Tools help … the level of the hormone inhibin A is high, or positive. footnote 1 The level of the hormone must be reviewed with … the level of the hormone inhibin A is high, or positive. footnote 1 The level of the hormone must be reviewed with …
Medical tests
… a microscope. A kidney biopsy may be done to check for problems or when other tests show a kidney problem. For … surgery centre for several hours to make sure there are no problems. Most people can go home the same day. You may need … or when the kidneys are not working well. Check kidney problems seen on an ultrasound or a CT scan. Watch kidney …
Medical tests
… the inner ear, brain, or nerves connecting them work. These problems may cause dizziness , vertigo , or loss of balance. … the inner ear, brain, or nerves connecting them work. These problems may cause dizziness , vertigo , or loss of balance. …
Medical tests
… breast examinations are also used to check for other breast problems. A clinical breast examination may be part of your … is present, such as breast cancer. Check other breast problems that may need more treatment, such as mastitis or a … your health professional will ask you questions about any problems you may have, your medical history, and your risk …
… anxiety, abnormal dreams, depression, memory/attention problems, hallucinations, trouble sleeping, or changes in … It is also used before exercise to prevent breathing problems during exercise (bronchospasm). This medication can … not be used to relieve sudden asthma attacks or breathing problems. If an asthma attack or sudden shortness of breath …
Medical tests
… The test is used to help find diseases and other problems that affect the large intestine. The colon is … used to keep track of the progress of these diseases. Find problems with the structure of the large intestine. Problems may include narrowed areas (strictures) or pockets …