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Health topics
… are also tanning pills. These are not safe. They can cause problems such as liver damage and hives. What are some … are also tanning pills. These are not safe. They can cause problems such as liver damage and hives. What are some …
Health topics
… before starting an exercise program. If you have heart problems, your doctor may want to do tests to find out how … before starting an exercise program. If you have heart problems, your doctor may want to do tests to find out how …
… if you have any serious side effects, including: menstrual problems or irregularities unusual/heavy vaginal bleeding A … ingredients, which can cause allergic reactions or other problems. Talk to your pharmacist for more details. Before … if you have any serious side effects, including: menstrual problems or irregularities unusual/heavy vaginal bleeding A …
Health topics
… to be fitted by someone trained specifically in hearing problems. An audiologist or licensed hearing aid provider … clearly. You are more aware of sounds close to you. Your footsteps, heartbeat, or car motor may be much more … clearly. You are more aware of sounds close to you. Your footsteps, heartbeat, or car motor may be much more …
Health topics
… injuries. Image Walk-in clinics deal with various health problems and are often open in the evenings and weekends. …
Health topics
… eyes and feeling dizzy. If you are overweight, have health problems, take medicines, or use alcohol, you may be at a … eyes and feeling dizzy. If you are overweight, have health problems, take medicines, or use alcohol, you may be at a …
Health topics
… switch to an open surgery that requires a larger incision. footnote 1 This can happen when there are problems such as unexpected inflammation, scar tissue, … switch to an open surgery that requires a larger incision. footnote 1 This can happen when there are problems such as …
Health topics