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Health topics
… Reducing tobacco use as a step toward quitting may help you quit for good. Slowly cutting down the number of times … you use tobacco in a day and going longer without using it can help you feel more in control. You will be less dependent on nicotine, which can make it easier to quit. It's best to reduce tobacco use …
Health topics
… works against the virus. When this happens, treatment can fail. The medicine no longer controls virus growth … resistant to one or more antiretroviral medicines when you start treatment, or the virus mutates and stops … after having been at an undetectable level. Two tests can find a resistant virus: Genotyping assays detect …
Health topics
… Information Overview Is it okay to drive if you have an arrhythmia? You can drive with an arrhythmia as long as it doesn't cause … for a short time. Your doctor will let you know when you can drive again. Your doctor might follow these guidelines: …
Health topics
… Most pregnancies after age 35 are healthy ones. But as you age beyond your mid-30s, some risks do increase. Your … risks are: Miscarriage . Pre-eclampsia . Gestational diabetes . Certain chromosome problems, including Down … for genetic conditions and birth defects. Screening tests can show the chance that a baby has certain conditions. …
Health topics
… first year Last updated August 13, 2013 For safe seating, your baby needs a chair that's right for his or her age and … leg straps. Check that your baby’s hands, arms, and legs can't get caught in any moving parts when the chair or tray … Select a booster seat with a strap that keeps your child secure. Safety straps that cross over the chest should be …
Health topics
… relationship. But it is important to remember that MSBP can involve any vulnerable person who has a caregiver. The … actions of the caregiver. Children who are victims of MSBP can have lifelong physical and emotional problems and may … Some children need counselling or other help. What should you do if you think someone has the syndrome? Munchausen …
Health topics
… sac breaks. Then fluid either leaks slowly or gushes out. You may hear it called "having your water break." When this … You will likely stay in the hospital so you and your baby can be closely watched. You will probably be given steroids … done to allow time for you to be moved to a hospital that can take care of your baby after you give birth. Your doctor …
… that this product is safe, effective, or appropriate for you. This information is not individual medical advice and … and your specific health needs. Warning Tetrabenazine can sometimes increase the risk of depression and suicidal … caused by Huntington's disease. However, it is not a cure for the disease. Reducing the chorea will help you take …
… that this product is safe, effective, or appropriate for you. This information is not individual medical advice and … the amount of HIV in your body so your immune system can work better. This lowers your chance of getting HIV … growing and infecting more cells. Dolutegravir is not a cure for HIV infection. To decrease your risk of spreading …
… that this product is safe, effective, or appropriate for you. This information is not individual medical advice and … the amount of HIV in your body so your immune system can work better. This lowers your chance of getting HIV … growing and infecting more cells. Dolutegravir is not a cure for HIV infection. To decrease your risk of spreading …