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4469 results found
Medical tests
… inflammation that can damage an organ. Viruses cause many types of diseases, such as human immunodeficiency virus … sores , chickenpox, measles , influenza (flu), and some types of cancer. Viral tests may be done for viruses such … . Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) . BK virus . Different types of samples are used for a viral test. They include …
Health topics
… and a border of normal tissue (margin) around it. The type of surgery depends on the location and size of the tumour. Types include: Wedge resection. The doctor removes a small … , or VATS). Your doctor can help you understand which type of surgery is best for you. What To Expect Lung surgery …
Health topics
… whole family is involved in physical activities together, children learn that being active is fun and makes you feel … a safe backpack, stroller, or bike trailer so that smaller children can be included in family activities. Walking When … in the family can do. Add more distance gradually. Younger children can ride a bike or a tricycle. You can pull a wagon …
Health topics
… stimulation (PNS) and spinal cord stimulation (SCS) are two types of electrical nerve stimulation. In either, a small … nerve stimulation help with pain. They don't help for all types of chronic pain. But are generally tried when other … cord stimulation has been found to be helpful for certain types of chronic pain, such as failed back surgery syndrome …
Health topics
… dry, smoky, or dusty environments. Dry eye may also cause a type of keratitis (inflammation of the cornea). Changes in the type of contact lens and the way the lens sits on the eye … to patchy loss of cells in the cornea. Trying a different type of lens may help the problem. …
Health topics
… On this page: Overview Overview Children with Down syndrome usually have delayed speech and language development. Typically, these children have a much harder time learning to talk … what they hear (receptive language). On average, children with Down syndrome start using words around 16 …
Health topics
… this page: Overview Overview Preschool children are driven to explore their world. This curiosity … is the basis for learning, now and throughout their lives. Children at play are little scientists. They answer for … comes from exploration is more appropriate for preschool children than the mastery of letters or numbers that might …
Health topics
… used to measure cognitive function or intelligence in children. The tests can be given to children who are unable to read or write. Tests are also … child. The most common tests for intellectual abilities in children are: Stanford-Binet. WISC-III or, preferably, …
Health topics
… page: Overview Overview Preschool-age children develop a sense of independence by practicing … such as getting dressed or brushing their teeth. Children who are not allowed to perform tasks on their own get the message that they are not capable. Children may then learn to always expect help and remain …
Health topics
… of your surgery depends on: Your surgeon's experience. The type of surgery you have (percutaneous or open surgery). How … surgery or open surgery. The biggest risk of either type of surgery is wound infection. Your risk can also … up playing sports a while back, but I still referee young children's soccer games. At the last one I did, whack, there …