603 results found
Health topics
… as: Swimming. Bicycling. Rowing. Seated exercises. Arm and upper-body exercises. Other non-weight-bearing exercises. … as: Swimming. Bicycling. Rowing. Seated exercises. Arm and upper-body exercises. Other non-weight-bearing exercises. …
… by a health care professional. It is usually given in the upper thigh, or in the upper arm in older children. A series of injections is … by a health care professional. It is usually given in the upper thigh, or in the upper arm in older children. A series …
Health topics
… Next, the doctor wraps a silicone band around the upper part of your stomach to make a small pouch. Then the … something (usually food) to block the opening from the upper part of the stomach to the lower part of the stomach. … Next, the doctor wraps a silicone band around the upper part of your stomach to make a small pouch. Then the …
… as directed by your doctor, usually once daily into the upper arm, upper thigh, stomach area, or buttock. Dosage is based on … as directed by your doctor, usually once daily into the upper arm, upper thigh, stomach area, or buttock. Dosage is …
Health topics
… on either side of your chest. Your chest, shoulders, and upper back may ache. The incision in your chest may be sore … heavy objects or do activities that strain your chest or upper arm muscles. At first you may notice that you get … on either side of your chest. Your chest, shoulders, and upper back may ache. The incision in your chest may be sore …
Medical tests
… heart is a muscular pump made up of four chambers . The two upper chambers are called atria, and the two lower chambers … bicycle. You will have a blood pressure cuff on your upper arm. Small pads or patches (electrodes) will be … heart is a muscular pump made up of four chambers . The two upper chambers are called atria, and the two lower chambers …
HealthLinkBC files
… edges of the suit to protect sensitive areas, such as the upper thighs and chest. Pay particular attention to the … sunscreen near the eyes. It can be irritating, so avoid the upper and lower eyelids. Sunscreens, like many other …
… non-hairy area on a flat part of your body, such as the upper chest, sides of the chest, upper back, or upper outer arms. In people unable to think clearly (such as …
Health topics
… of burning, warmth, heat, or pain that often starts in the upper belly just below the lower breastbone (sternum). This … feeling of fullness, gnawing, or burning in the chest or upper belly, especially after eating. A person may describe … of burning, warmth, heat, or pain that starts in the upper belly and spreads upward into your throat. Yes …
Health topics
… on your skin between your neck and your waist, such as your upper arm, your shoulder, or your back. Do not apply the … on your skin between your neck and your waist, such as your upper arm, your shoulder, or your back. Do not apply the …