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603 results found
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… lice can also be found in chest hair, armpit hair, on the upper thighs, lower abdomen, eyebrows, eyelashes, and facial …
Health topics
… lower lungs as before, and then continue inhaling into your upper chest. Breathe slowly and regularly. As you do so, … lower lungs as before, and then continue inhaling into your upper chest. Breathe slowly and regularly. As you do so, …
Health topics
… is the removal of the uterus, cervix, surrounding tissue, upper vagina, and usually the pelvic lymph nodes . The … is the removal of the uterus, cervix, surrounding tissue, upper vagina, and usually the pelvic lymph nodes . The …
Health topics
… a flat, red rash appears. It usually starts on the face and upper arms, and then it spreads all over your body. Over the … a flat, red rash appears. It usually starts on the face and upper arms, and then it spreads all over your body. Over the …
Health topics
… gastric banding. The doctor wraps a band around the upper part of the stomach to make the stomach smaller. … gastric banding. The doctor wraps a band around the upper part of the stomach to make the stomach smaller. …
Health topics
… . This often occurs after the child has had a cold or other upper respiratory infection. It's the most common cause of … A slipped capital femoral epiphysis . This occurs when the upper end of the thigh bone (head of the femur) slips at the … . This often occurs after the child has had a cold or other upper respiratory infection. It's the most common cause of …
Health topics
… they cause pain? Tension headaches can cause pain: In your upper back and neck. At the base of your head. Around your … or clench your teeth. Muscle tension in your shoulders and upper back. Prevention Here are some things you can do to … they cause pain? Tension headaches can cause pain: In your upper back and neck. At the base of your head. Around your …
Health topics
… of removing foreign material or mucus from the lungs and upper airway passages or of reacting to an irritated airway. … of the throat. Infections. An infection of the lungs or upper airway passages can cause a cough. A productive cough … of removing foreign substances and mucus from the lungs and upper airway passages. Productive coughs are often useful. …
Health topics
… activities, work-related tasks, or home projects. The upper and lower bones of the knee are separated by two discs ( menisci ). The upper leg bone (femur) and the lower leg bones (tibia and … ( fracture ) of the kneecap, lower portion of the femur, or upper part of the tibia or fibula. Knee fractures are most …
… by a health care professional. It is usually given in the upper arm. Closely follow the vaccination schedule provided … by a health care professional. It is usually given in the upper arm. Closely follow the vaccination schedule provided …