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603 results found
… from wetness). Dry skin is caused by a loss of water in the upper layer of the skin. Emollients/moisturizers work by … from wetness). Dry skin is caused by a loss of water in the upper layer of the skin. Emollients/moisturizers work by …
… the skin in the thigh, abdomen, buttock, or the back of the upper arm as directed by your doctor, usually every other … the skin in the thigh, abdomen, buttock, or the back of the upper arm as directed by your doctor, usually every other …
Health topics
… from the lower chamber of the heart back into the upper chamber. Your heart has to work harder to pump this … from the lower chamber of the heart back into the upper chamber. Your heart has to work harder to pump this …
… as prescribed. The injection is given in the thighs, upper arm, or abdomen (at least 2 inches from your belly … as prescribed. The injection is given in the thighs, upper arm, or abdomen (at least 2 inches from your belly …
… the skin of the thigh, abdomen, top of the buttocks, or upper arm as directed by your doctor, usually starting with … the skin of the thigh, abdomen, top of the buttocks, or upper arm as directed by your doctor, usually starting with …
… are taking this medication (such as increased fat in the upper back and stomach areas, decreased fat in the arms and … are taking this medication (such as increased fat in the upper back and stomach areas, decreased fat in the arms and …
… this medication under the skin of the thigh, abdomen, or upper arm as directed by your doctor, usually once weekly. … this medication under the skin of the thigh, abdomen, or upper arm as directed by your doctor, usually once weekly. …
Health topics
… cone and gently insert the cone into the stoma through the upper opening in the sleeve. Press the cone firmly but … cone and gently insert the cone into the stoma through the upper opening in the sleeve. Press the cone firmly but …
Health topics
… by a type of coronavirus, which can cause mild to moderate upper respiratory illness, such as the common cold. This … by a type of coronavirus, which can cause mild to moderate upper respiratory illness, such as the common cold. This …
… flat part of your body, such as the chest, sides, back, or upper arms. In young children or in people unable to think … clearly (such as due to dementia), apply the patch on the upper back to lessen the chance it might be removed or … flat part of your body, such as the chest, sides, back, or upper arms. In young children or in people unable to think …