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4147 results found
Health topics
… On this page: Overview Overview Children's lungs are especially sensitive to the harmful … child outdoors, especially for physical activities. When children exercise, they breathe more heavily than normal. … Policy . Learn how we develop our content . … Overview Children's lungs are especially sensitive to the harmful …
Health topics
… bacteria in the mouth to enter the bloodstream and cause infections in other parts of the body. The antibiotics lower … bacteria in the mouth to enter the bloodstream and cause infections in other parts of the body. The antibiotics lower …
Health topics
Health topics
… Sleep apnea . Hormone changes related to menopause. Infections. These could include tuberculosis (TB) , … Sleep apnea . Hormone changes related to menopause. Infections. These could include tuberculosis (TB) , …
Health topics
… Appropriate Online Behavior On this page: Overview Overview Children and teens may relish the freedom to explore the … be someone they're not. Sometimes adults do this to contact children. Teach your child to be careful about what they … keep talking. Parents often discuss internet use with their children when they're young but stop as they get older. …
Health topics
… delays as well as other problems that can make children, teens, and adults who have Down syndrome … when your child starts puberty . Sexual or physical abuse. Children with Down syndrome usually enter puberty and … are not improving. Depression in Children and Teens Down Syndrome Growth and Development: …
Health topics
… has more nutrients than non-organic food. Is it better for children? Children may be more sensitive than adults to pesticides and … not enough evidence to say that organic food is better for children than non-organic foods. How can you reduce exposure …
Health topics
… early in a child's life and continue into adulthood. Children with ADHD tend to be: Inattentive . They are easily distracted and find it hard to focus on any one task. Impulsive … with ADHD tend to be: Inattentive . They are easily distracted and find it hard to focus on any one task. Impulsive …