6324 results found
Health topics
… Cause Prevention Symptoms What Happens When to Call a Doctor Examinations and Tests Treatment … other fluids. Urinate often, and empty your bladder each time. If the UTI affects your kidneys or causes widespread … sex. Urinate immediately after sexual intercourse. Avoid using condoms coated with spermicide or a diaphragm for …
Health topics
… Anyone with a head injury should be watched, especially when it's from the above causes. If you think any symptoms … that the head injury is serious ? These could appear at the time of the injury or later. Yes Symptoms of serious head … and Other Activities Preventing Falls in Older Adults Using Cold and Heat Therapies Preparing For Your Appointment …
Health topics
… 20, 2014 Young people have lots of demands on their time, so finding time to be active can sometimes be a … optimal health benefits. Here are some things to consider when you and your child are thinking about how to get enough … aged 5-12 years should spend no more than two hours a day using electronic media for entertainment (computer games, …
Health topics
… foods available. Babies cry to let us know they're hungry. When they're full, they stop eating. Things get more … his or her eating, focus on resolving the problem that is causing the emotions instead of focusing on the eating … their mealtimes. But the hardest part for most parents is stopping themselves from directing their children's choices …
HealthLinkBC files
… Vietnamese Keep your child safe. Get all vaccines on time. By getting all vaccines on time, your child can be … and almost all severe cases, including hospitalizations. When you get your child immunized you help protect others as … touching the stools of an infected child. This can happen when handling diapers. Washing your hands often with soap …
Health topics
… make sure you get great care and reduce costs at the same time. It is likely that you will be faced with one or more … office first, or go to a walk-in clinic. How do I know when it's an emergency? There are few clear rules about what … ignore them. And it may be even harder to know what to do when a child is sick. One good question to ask yourself is, …
Health topics
… What is chronic hepatitis B? You have chronic hepatitis B when the virus is active in your body for more than 6 … body, your chance of having these problems is greater. Sometimes, chronic hepatitis B can lead to severe liver damage. … to prevent further liver damage by not drinking alcohol or using illegal drugs. You avoid the side effects of antiviral …
Health topics
… Tools Cause What Increases Your Risk Symptoms What Happens When to Call Examinations and Tests Treatment Overview … the skin's pores. This traps bacteria inside the pores, causing swelling, redness, and pus. For most people, acne … when they're used just the way the label says. It can take time to get acne under control. But if non-prescription …
HealthLinkBC files
… sleep? Put your baby to sleep on his or her back every time (at night and for naps) Babies should always be placed … choke or have any problems from sleeping on their backs. When your baby can roll over on his or her own from back to … . Put the crib together using the manufacturer’s instructions, and do not change the …
Health topics
… walking, each week. It's fine to walk in shorter periods of time throughout your day and week that add up to the … store, doctor appointments, work, school, or shopping when you can. You could walk a lap around the grocery store … Information Fitness: Getting and Staying Active Fitness: Using a Pedometer, Step Counter, or Wearable Device Healthy …