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6319 results found
Health topics
… happen in people who have sickle cell disease . It happens when a lot of sickled red blood cells get trapped in the … spleen can enlarge, get damaged, and not work as it should. When the spleen doesn't work well, a person is more likely … happen in people who have sickle cell disease . It happens when a lot of sickled red blood cells get trapped in the …
Health topics
… can't digest all of the breast milk or formula properly. When fed too much, a baby may also swallow air. This can … they are. Pay attention to these cues to help determine when your baby has had enough to eat. A baby who is hungry … can't digest all of the breast milk or formula properly. When fed too much, a baby may also swallow air. This can …
Health topics
… streaks, sparks, or flickers of light, particularly when you move your eyes or head. The flashes of light may be easier to see when you look toward a dark background. The brief flashes … streaks, sparks, or flickers of light, particularly when you move your eyes or head. The flashes of light may be …
Health topics
… doctor find out whether the disease is getting worse and when to start treatment. The Public Health Agency of Canada … for HIV if you or your partner(s) has ever: Had sex without using a condom or other protective barrier. Had sex under … Shared needles, syringes or other drug use equipment when using drugs, including steroids. Had tattooing, piercing, or …
Health topics
… 4 to 5 hours. You won't be able to move around during that time. It's not unusual to feel light-headed, have chills, … marrow is usually removed from the back of your pelvic bone using a special hollow needle. This is a surgical procedure … marrow is usually removed from the back of your pelvic bone using a special hollow needle. This is a surgical procedure …
Health topics
… your affected arm or leg into the piece of clothing first when dressing. Then put in the unaffected arm or leg. Remove the stronger arm or leg from the clothing first when undressing. Then slip out your affected arm or leg. … your affected arm or leg into the piece of clothing first when dressing. Then put in the unaffected arm or leg. Remove …
Health topics
… benefit? It can help your animal friend relax too. Sometimes the hardest part of mindfulness is just making a point to do it. But even spending a little time being mindful can have benefits. Think of these tips as … benefit? It can help your animal friend relax too. Sometimes the hardest part of mindfulness is just making a point …
Medical tests
… of the test tube in one hour, the higher the sed rate. When inflammation is present in the body, certain proteins … test takes The test will take a few minutes. How It Feels When a blood sample is taken, you may feel nothing at all … is very little chance of having a problem from this test. When a blood sample is taken, a small bruise may form at the …
Health topics
… tool calculates your pregnancy due date, an estimate of when you are likely to deliver your baby. To find your due … your due date tell you? Your due date is an estimate of when you will likely have your baby, based on the normal … tool calculates your pregnancy due date, an estimate of when you are likely to deliver your baby. To find your due …
Health topics
… dirty toys in a bin that is out of your child's reach. When a toy gets dirty, such as after a child has played with … such as some furniture. Disinfect toys and surfaces when you can. Dishwashers are a convenient and effective way … dirty toys in a bin that is out of your child's reach. When a toy gets dirty, such as after a child has played with …