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6320 results found
Health topics
… than older adults. Drink plenty of fluids during this time to help your body get rid of the radioactivity. Your … than older adults. Drink plenty of fluids during this time to help your body get rid of the radioactivity. Your …
HealthLinkBC files
… caused by a germ (bacteria) that spreads through the air when a person with untreated TB disease of the lungs coughs, … that weaken your immune system. TB infection happens when the TB germs are sleeping (dormant) in your body. If … you sick with the disease. There is no way to know if or when this will happen. The chance of this happening …
Health topics
… an imaging test is needed and how soon it is needed. When deciding to start treatment, you and your doctor can … to have more seizures. Taking antiepileptic medicines when you are not at risk for more seizures exposes you to … an imaging test is needed and how soon it is needed. When deciding to start treatment, you and your doctor can …
Health topics
… may feel a sensation of cold and a little cramping. And sometimes a sense of warmth spreads to the upper body and face. … will tell you what follow-up tests you should have and when you need to have them done. After cryotherapy You may … okay. Do not douche. Why It Is Done Cryotherapy may be done when abnormal Pap or human papillomavirus (HPV) test results …
Health topics
… Take a moment to fill out the smoker's self-test. Be honest when you answer the questions. You may discover that you have more good reasons to quit than to continue using tobacco. Decide if you agree with any of these … that you have more good reasons to quit than to continue using tobacco. Decide if you agree with any of these …
Health topics
… The aim is to identify possible reasons to change. When you know and are convinced of the reasons to change, … feelings with you. Restoring the relationship: Apologize when you catch yourself lecturing or making a critical …
Health topics
… are taken soon after symptoms start (within 3 days). Sometimes antiviral medicines may be added to corticosteroid … you sleep, and wear glasses or goggles the rest of the time. Mouth care If you have no feeling and little saliva on … are taken soon after symptoms start (within 3 days). Sometimes antiviral medicines may be added to corticosteroid …
HealthLinkBC files
… to use in areas accessible to children or pregnant women. When painting your home, make sure that the paint you use … I test my home? You can check painted surfaces for lead by using a home lead test kit or sending a paint chip sample to … more information. Should lead-based paint be removed? Sometimes leaving lead-based paint alone is safer than removing …
Health topics
… The harness is able to make the hips normal most of the time. A hard cast, known as a spica cast. This is used for … The harness is able to make the hips normal most of the time. A hard cast, known as a spica cast. This is used for …
Health topics
… or sharp sensations and may be able to tell where and when the sensation occurs. When a young child is in pain, the signs can be hard to … or sharp sensations and may be able to tell where and when the sensation occurs. When a young child is in pain, …