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HealthLinkBC files
… called Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, or SIDS, which occurs when a baby dies suddenly while sleeping without a clear … death? Put your baby to sleep on his or her back every time (at night and for naps) Babies who sleep on their backs … naturally swallow or cough up fluids on their own. Avoid using items that prop the baby in one position during sleep. …
Health topics
… seizure , stay calm. Although seizures seem to last a long time, they usually last less than 3 minutes. A seizure can … Whether the person suffered any injuries from the seizure. When to get emergency help Seizures do not always require … Whether the person suffered any injuries from the seizure. When to get emergency help Seizures do not always require …
Health topics
… a bag to an intravenous (IV) catheter and into your vein. When is a blood transfusion needed? You may need a blood … getting the wrong blood type happens, at the most, 4 times. footnote 1 Transfusion with the wrong blood type can … have trouble finding blood that can be transfused without causing a reaction. In rare cases, an immune reaction may take …
Health topics
… Check Your Symptoms Overview At one time or another, everyone has had a minor injury to a … blow, a penetrating injury, or a fall. Or it can happen when you twist, jerk, jam, or bend a limb in a way that … surgery in the past month? If a cast, splint, or brace is causing the problem, follow the instructions you got about how …
Health topics
… Disease On this page: Prevention Symptoms When to Call a Doctor Examinations and Tests Treatment … have a lack of energy or a headache and stiff neck. Sometimes people have no symptoms at this stage. In the second … positive even though something other than Lyme disease is causing their symptoms. Learn more Lyme Disease Test Treatment …
Health topics
… Negative impacts begin with any alcohol use and increase when having more than 2 drinks, as each drink increases the … blood disorders. You have a mental health problem and are using alcohol to try to make yourself feel better. You have … you reduce your drinking to low-risk levels rather than stopping completely. You and your doctor can decide what …
Health topics
… Health Tools Lowering Your Risk Symptoms What Happens When to Call a Doctor Treatment Overview Self-Care Condition … treated, it can damage the nearby skin and deeper tissues. When it's found and treated early, it is almost always … Avoid the sun between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m., which is the peak time for UV rays. If outdoors, seek the shade. Always wear …
Health topics
… Some medicines for epilepsy have to be taken several times a day. This is sometimes hard for children in school; … or affects muscle control. What health risks come with using the medicine? Allergic or toxic reactions in the skin, … antiepileptic medicines increase the risk even more, but stopping use of the medicine is not always the best …
HealthLinkBC files
… streams and many groundwater sources may contain disease-causing “germs.” The germs, called pathogens, can lead to … including death. Water-borne infections can spread when animal or human feces containing these pathogens get … back and forth from one clean container to another several times If using chlorine tablets, follow the directions on …
Health topics
… Bunions On this page: Health Tools Symptoms When to Call a Doctor Treatment Overview Self-Care Surgery … more likely to get them. Your foot rolls inward too much when you walk. A moderate amount of inward roll, or … All of these may put pressure on the big toe joint. Over time, the pressure forces the big toe out of alignment, …