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Health topics
… 100 will have an unplanned pregnancy in the first year of using a method. These numbers reflect studies of real-life … real-life failure rate of birth control methods by always using birth control methods as directed. But even with … 100 will have an unplanned pregnancy in the first year of using a method. These numbers reflect studies of real-life …
Health topics
Health topics
… show that you might have a bad reaction to a medicine. Sometimes these tests help doctors decide how much of a medicine … show that you might have a bad reaction to a medicine. Sometimes these tests help doctors decide how much of a medicine …
Health topics
… rashes. And some can interfere with a child's hormones, causing problems like abnormal breast growth. Nor should … health practice that you would like to try or are already using. Your doctor can help you manage your health better if … rashes. And some can interfere with a child's hormones, causing problems like abnormal breast growth. Nor should …
Health topics
… or more antiretroviral medicines is more effective than using just one medicine (monotherapy) to treat HIV. The use of three or more antiretroviral medicines—sometimes referred to as an anti-HIV "cocktail"—is currently the … the number of pills to be taken each day. Experts recommend using one of the following programs for people who begin …
Health topics
… But so far there isn't clear proof from science that using tea tree oil is helpful with these or other health … can be sold in Canada. Always tell your doctor if you are using a natural health product or if you are thinking about … But so far there isn't clear proof from science that using tea tree oil is helpful with these or other health …