917 results found
Health topics
… arthritis). It's caused by a bacterial or fungal infection inside the hip joint. Check Your Symptoms Do you have a … arthritis). It's caused by a bacterial or fungal infection inside the hip joint. Check Your Symptoms Do you have a …
Health topics
… the heart tissue. Sometimes, abnormal impulses come from inside a pulmonary vein and cause atrial fibrillation. (The … the heart tissue. Sometimes, abnormal impulses come from inside a pulmonary vein and cause atrial fibrillation. (The …
Health topics
… your last examination. Ophthalmoscopy lets your doctor look inside your eye to check for signs of AMD. An Amsler grid … your last examination. Ophthalmoscopy lets your doctor look inside your eye to check for signs of AMD. An Amsler grid …
Healthy eating
… have it on their hands, wrists, ankles, feet, and on the inside folds of their elbows and knees. What causes eczema? …
Health topics
… an intense feeling of discomfort, aching, or twitching deep inside the legs. Jerking movements may affect the toes, … an intense feeling of discomfort, aching, or twitching deep inside the legs. Jerking movements may affect the toes, …
Health topics
… radiation). Or it may be given by placing substances inside the body (internal radiation). External radiation is … radiation). Or it may be given by placing substances inside the body (internal radiation). External radiation is …
Health topics
… when fatty deposits called plaque (say "plak") build up inside the coronary arteries. These arteries wrap around the … when fatty deposits called plaque (say "plak") build up inside the coronary arteries. These arteries wrap around the … when fatty deposits called plaque (say "plak") build up inside the coronary arteries. These arteries wrap around the …
Health topics
… an anticoagulant will have a problem with severe bleeding inside the body. This means that 97 to 99 out of 100 people … an anticoagulant will have a problem with severe bleeding inside the body. This means that 97 to 99 out of 100 people … an anticoagulant will have a problem with severe bleeding inside the body. This means that 97 to 99 out of 100 people …
Health topics
… or it works its way from the outside of the stomach to the inside. This is called an erosion. Extra skin after weight … or it works its way from the outside of the stomach to the inside. This is called an erosion. Extra skin after weight … or it works its way from the outside of the stomach to the inside. This is called an erosion. Extra skin after weight …
Health topics
… back. It usually occurs when bone and other tissues grow inside the openings in the spinal bones. This can squeeze … back. It usually occurs when bone and other tissues grow inside the openings in the spinal bones. This can squeeze … back. It usually occurs when bone and other tissues grow inside the openings in the spinal bones. This can squeeze …