3179 results found
HealthLinkBC files
… 2 or 3 days, or if dehydration is a concern. How can you prevent infection with the virus? There is no vaccine or medication that can prevent norovirus infection. The best way to prevent …
Health topics
… has CF include: A blocked small intestine at birth. This prevents the baby from passing stool. Very salty sweat or … at www.cysticfibrosis.ca to find one. Doctor visits and vaccines Regular visits with the team involved in your … yearly influenza (flu) vaccines. Stay up to date on your COVID-19 vaccines. Have those close to you get vaccines as …
HealthLinkBC files
… Some new antibiotics may also be effective. How can you prevent VRE infections? There is no vaccine to protect you from VRE. The most important thing … visitors will need to follow hospital guidelines to prevent the spread of VRE. This will include washing hands …
Health topics
… Risk When To Call Examinations and Tests Treatment Overview Prevention Self-Care Medicines Surgery … the person to follow treatment instructions. Can the TB vaccine help? A TB vaccine ( bacille Calmette-Guerin , or BCG) is used in many …
HealthLinkBC files
… care provider. There are steps that can be taken to help prevent the virus being passed to the baby. This is most … can also decrease the chance of spreading it to others by preventing the virus from multiplying. To ease discomfort … and genital warts (#101a) Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines (#101b) … Genital herpes …
Health topics
… teeth and gums to the heart valves. Get an influenza (flu) vaccine every year. And get a pneumococcal vaccine. If you've had one before, ask your doctor if you need another dose. Stay up to date on your COVID-19 vaccines. Talk with your doctor if you have …
… care professional. Hydrocortisone may also be used for COVID-19, but is only effective in hospitalized patients who … nausea, muscle pain, headache, tiredness, dizziness. To prevent these symptoms while you are stopping treatment with … Avoid contact with people who have recently received live vaccines (such as flu vaccine inhaled through the nose). …
Health features
… others as well. The measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine is provided free as part of your child’s routine … out what to do if you think you have measles, and how to prevent spreading measles to others. Measles (HealthLinkBC … File #14b) Measles (rubeola) Measles rash Measles vaccines The vaccines that protect against the measles are …
Health features
… is the best way to protect against pertussis. The pertussis vaccines are provided in combination with other vaccines such as diphtheria, polio and tetanus and are free … in public health through surveillance, detection, prevention and consultation. They also provide direct …
Health topics
… some cases, people are treated in the hospital. How can you prevent it? There are some things you can do to avoid … with your local health unit to see if you should get a vaccine. These are usually only given to people who are at … if: You were recently exposed to mpox. You may need a vaccine. Current as of: October 31, 2022 Author: …