3175 results found
Health topics
… care. This care keeps the heart and lungs working to prevent damage to the body due to lack of oxygen. Doctors will try to find the cause of the cardiac arrest to prevent another one. How can you prevent cardiac arrest? If you have a health problem that …
Health topics
… treatment of gum disease is very important. It can help prevent permanent gum damage, control infection, and prevent tooth loss. For gingivitis, your dentist may … to take antibiotics or other medicines to aid healing and prevent infection. How can you prevent it? Gum disease is …
Health topics
… to stay in the hospital or get extra oxygen. How can you prevent it? It is common for children to get respiratory … up immunity . Bronchiolitis is spread just like a cold. To prevent bronchiolitis: Avoid contact with other children who … or daycare until they get better. Wash your hands often to prevent spreading the disease. Handwashing removes the germs …
Health topics
… Health Tools What Increases Your Risk Prevention Symptoms What Happens When to Call a Doctor … check blood sugar levels several times a day. How can you prevent the complications of diabetes? You can help prevent or delay complications by keeping your blood sugar …
Health topics
… in your mouth. Not getting enough fluoride. Fluoride helps prevent tooth decay by making teeth more resistant to acids … Read and follow all instructions on the label. How can you prevent it? You can prevent most tooth decay with these tips: Take good care of …
Health topics
… you try any treatment for calluses or corns. How can you prevent them? Calluses and corns can be prevented by reducing or eliminating pressure on the skin. Calluses on your hands usually can be prevented by wearing gloves to protect your hands, such as …
Health topics
… Headaches On this page: Health Tools Cause Prevention Symptoms What Happens When to Call a Doctor … teeth. Muscle tension in your shoulders and upper back. Prevention Here are some things you can do to help prevent tension headaches. Keep a headache diary. This can …
Health topics
… recommend treatment for any bumps in the genital area to prevent spread to sexual partners. People with weakened … your child needs treatment, talk to the doctor about how to prevent pain, scarring, and changes in skin colour (pigment) from treatment. How can you prevent it? To prevent molluscum contagiosum from spreading: …
Health topics
… Teenagers and Adults On this page: Cause Prevention Symptoms What Happens When to Call a Doctor … infection, you may need hospital care. How can you prevent a UTI? There are some things you can do that may help prevent UTIs. For example, drinking more water may help. …
Health topics
… They may reduce pain, itching, and healing time. To prevent recurring cold sores, oral antivirals may also be … for cold sores or the virus that causes them. How can you prevent them? There are some things you can do to keep from … already been infected, reduce your number of outbreaks and prevent spreading the virus. Avoid things that trigger your …