4275 results found
… effects of this medication are rapid but not long-lasting. After giving naloxone, get medical help right away, even if the person wakes up. If symptoms return after giving an injection, give another naloxone injection … opioid regularly, withdrawal symptoms can happen suddenly after receiving this medication. Withdrawal symptoms may …
… is rare. If a reaction occurs, it may appear within hours after a dose, or in some cases, more than one week after a dose. Get medical help right away if you notice any … in the original package in the refrigerator. Do not freeze. After removing from the refrigerator, this medication can be …
HealthLinkBC files
… to wheeze, have trouble breathing, or have a hoarse voice after eating or drinking. It can also lead to pneumonia. … when a person is admitted. They will review it regularly afterwards. The health care team works together to develop … of their speech, such as a gurgly or wet-sounding voice after swallowing Force chewing or swallowing, or swallow …
Health topics
… the LIMA or RIMA may prove to be more durable in the years after your surgery. Putting you on the heart-lung bypass machine After your coronary arteries have been exposed and a usable … Also, the machine circulates that blood through your body. After the heart-lung machine has been set up, the blood …
Health topics
… having more energy and just feeling better, happen soon after you become more active. But some of the most important … goals are things you want to do tomorrow and the day after. Did you try to take on too much too fast? That's a … just 10 minutes—or even 5 minutes—a day, a few days a week. After a week, add 1 or 2 minutes every day, or add another …
Health topics
… increased shortness of breath when they first lie down. But after several hours of lying down, they awake with shortness … get more air. The shortness of breath generally goes away after a few minutes of sitting up. Being very tired … that they have been experiencing this symptom. It is only after doctors ask them about changes in their activities …
Health topics
… surgery. This difference continues for at least 4 years after surgery. footnote 2 After 10 years: People treated with surgery were as … but it may help both. footnote 4 But symptoms may return after several years. Some people may need a second surgery …
Health topics
… may cause pale and blistered skin like frostbite after the skin has warmed. These injuries occur from … now Are you back to your normal level of alertness? After passing out, it's normal to feel a little confused, … and alert as you normally do. Yes Has returned to normal after loss of consciousness No Has returned to normal after …
Health topics
… Hard candy (such as 6 Life Savers). Wait about 15 minutes after you eat the 15 grams of carbohydrate. Check your blood … cause low blood sugar, stay with the person for a few hours after their blood sugar level has returned to the target … a glucagon kit). It may be given as a shot or nasal spray. After you give the glucagon, immediately call 9-1-1 for …
Health topics
… Prev Next > slide 4 of 6, Turn the head to the side., After giving the injection, turn the person's head to the … < Prev Next > slide 5 of 6, Call for emergency help., After you give the glucagon shot, immediately call 9-1-1 or … Their blood sugar should be checked for several hours after glucagon is given. Diabetes in …