4275 results found
Health topics
… Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Surgery Acute Coronary Syndrome After a Stroke: Helping Your Family Adjust Alan's Story: Coping With Change After a Heart Attack Alcohol Increases the Risk of Cold … Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery: What to Expect After You Go Home Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery Coronary …
Health topics
… the process of emotional and life adjustment you go through after a loss. Grieving after a loved one's death is also … more aware of your feelings of grief during holidays, birthdays, and other special events. With loss, your sense … days, such as the anniversary of the death, holidays, and birthdays. Recognize that this person's life has changed …
Health topics
… changes. Little white marks (leukonychia) often appear after minor injuries. They may last for weeks or months. … go away on their own. It's common for a nail to turn black after an injury. The black or purple-black colour is caused … a nail (subungual abscess). Separation from the nail bed. After your nail separates from its nail bed, no matter what …
… your nose, or blow your nose while spraying or immediately after. Use another spray into each nostril 15 minutes after the first sprays, or use as directed by your doctor. After using the medication, you should lie down and relax in …
HealthLinkBC files
… best choice for babies who follow a vegan eating pattern After one year of age, offer 2-3 cups (500-750 mL) of … water Sips of plain water can be offered from an open cup after 6 months but should not replace human milk or formula … to offer water from an open cup between meals for thirst after one year of age Fortified plain soy beverage At 2 …
Health topics
… be sudden and severe. Bruising and swelling may start soon after your injury. Acute injuries include: Bruises (contusions) . After an ankle injury, bruising may extend to your toes from … surgery or injury. These kinds of events can cause symptoms afterwards or make them more serious. Your health habits and …
Health topics
… be sudden and severe. Bruising and swelling may start soon after the injury. Acute injuries include: A cut or puncture … now Are you back to your normal level of alertness? After passing out, it's normal to feel a little confused, … and alert as you normally do. Yes Has returned to normal after loss of consciousness No Has returned to normal after …
Health topics
… eating and exercise habits, most people gain weight again after they stop taking the medicine. You must decide if the … motivate you to continue your healthy eating and exercising after the medicine is stopped. If you lose weight, you may … and exercise habits, you are likely to gain back the weight after you stop taking the medicine. Weight-loss medicines …
Health topics
… up may seem forceful. But it usually occurs shortly after feeding, is effortless, and causes no discomfort. … up for no reason at all. Overfeeding, not burping your baby after feeding, intolerance to milk or formula, and exposure … or green liquid (bile) in vomit Has your baby vomited after 2 feedings in a row? . Yes Vomited after 2 feedings in …
Health topics
… is a condition in which people eat large amounts of food after the evening meal, often waking up during the night to … their first meal of the day for many hours. Then later, after the evening meal, they may eat more than a quarter of … is a condition in which people eat large amounts of food after the evening meal, often waking up during the night to …