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Health topics
… (benign). Most cervical polyps are first discovered during a pelvic examination. Usually only a single polyp … symptoms. But some people may have symptoms of abnormal vaginal bleeding. This can include heavy menstrual bleeding, …
Health topics
… this page: Overview Overview Abnormal vaginal bleeding with fever may be caused by an infection in the pelvic organs . During your period, bacteria can travel up the vagina into …
Health topics
… (LEEP). Or the doctor can use a laser. You may be asleep during the procedure. But it is usually done while you are … normal routine in about a week. But be sure to wait to have vaginal sex until your doctor says it's okay. What To Expect Some vaginal bleeding is normal for up to 1 week. Some vaginal spotting …
Health topics
… as cramping or a dull and constant ache. It may get worse during bowel movements, during sex, or when you urinate. You may also have a fever, more vaginal discharge than usual, or irregular menstrual bleeding. How is it diagnosed? To diagnose PID, your doctor …
Health topics
… chafing, or bite marks in the genital area. Discharge or bleeding from the vagina. Rectal or genital bleeding. Anal … (STI) such as gonorrhea , chlamydia , syphilis , or HIV . Vaginal bleeding in a child before the beginning of menstruation is abnormal, as are other vaginal or genital symptoms such as sores, warts, pain, or …
Health topics
… and reproductive organ problems are fairly common, like a vaginal yeast infection in women or an enlarged prostate in … Pap Test Abnormal Pap Test While Pregnant Abnormal Uterine Bleeding Abnormal Vaginal Bleeding Abortion Abortion: … Lymph Node Surgery for Staging Cancer Breast Changes During Pregnancy Breast Engorgement Breast Enlargement …
Health topics
… 8 years. You may have irregular periods or other symptoms during this time. What causes menopause? Normal changes in … symptoms include hot flashes , trouble sleeping, and vaginal dryness. You may have only a few mild symptoms. Or … lower amounts of hormones. This can lead to heavy menstrual bleeding . About 6 to 12 months before your periods stop, …
Health topics
… how a caesarean affects future deliveries, see the topic Vaginal Birth After Caesarean (VBAC) . What is a caesarean … called a C-section. In most cases, a woman can be awake during the birth and be with her newborn soon afterward. See … pain medicine for 1 to 2 weeks. You can expect some vaginal bleeding for several weeks. (Use sanitary pads, not …
Health topics
… way for doctors to make sure that you get special attention during your pregnancy. Your doctor will watch you closely … (lost consciousness). You have a seizure. You have severe vaginal bleeding. You have severe pain in your belly or pelvis. You …
Health topics
… around the house and up and down stairs, but take it slow. During the first 2 weeks, it's important to get plenty of … a hysterectomy, call your doctor if: You have bright red vaginal bleeding that soaks one or more pads in an hour, or you have …