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Medical tests
… also be made. In some cases, contrast material may be used during the MRI scan to show certain structures more clearly … Check lower abdominal and pelvic organs for tumours, bleeding, or problems present since birth (congenital … in the tubes ( ureters ) that lead out of the kidneys. No bleeding, abnormal collections of fluid, blockage in the …
Health topics
… enough blood to cover the test area on the strip. Stop any bleeding. slide 10 of 11 < Prev      Next > slide 10 of 11, Stop any bleeding., If your finger continues to bleed, use a clean … cotton ball to apply pressure to your fingertip to stop the bleeding. Record your results. slide 11 of 11 < Prev      …
Medical tests
… of the blood flow in the blood vessels of the lung . During an angiogram, a thin tube called a catheter is placed … is put on the needle site for 10 to 15 minutes to stop any bleeding. Then the area may be covered with a bandage or compression device. This will prevent bleeding. You will be given pain medicine if you need it. If …
Health topics
… through different types of sexual contact. This includes vaginal, anal, or oral sex. If you're pregnant and infected, you can pass it to your baby during delivery. What are the symptoms? Many people don't … Pain during sexual intercourse. Pain in the lower belly. Bleeding between periods or after intercourse. Fever and …
Health topics
… isn't right for most people because it can cause serious bleeding. You can work with your doctor to find out your risk of heart attack and stroke and your risk of bleeding. If you don't have a high risk of heart attack or … the benefits of aspirin probably won't outweigh the risk of bleeding. If you have a high risk of heart attack or stroke …
… away if you have any serious side effects, such as: unusual vaginal bleeding This medication may cause a condition known as … hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS). This condition may occur during or after treatment. Rarely, serious OHSS causes fluid …
HealthLinkBC files
… IUDs are also known as intrauterine contraception (IUC) Vaginal ring (NuvaRing™) Implant (Nexplanon®) – a small rod … (the Pill) Acne control (some methods) Preventing heavy bleeding during menstruation (IUDs) Other uses Talk to your health …
Health topics
… within past week Since the injury, has there been any bleeding from the rectum, urethra, or vagina? Yes Bleeding from rectum, vaginal or urethra since injury No Bleeding from rectum, … so he or she gets enough sleep. When to call for help during self-care Call a doctor if any of the following occur …
Health topics
… more often as people get older. Varicose veins often form during pregnancy. They might become less prominent after … Dry, thinned skin. Inflammation. Scaling. Open sores. Bleeding after a minor injury. Superficial thrombophlebitis. … can lead to complications. Complications can include: Bleeding from a varicose vein, which may occur without an …
Health topics
… What is breech position? During most of pregnancy, there is enough room in the uterus … head-down before labour starts, you may be able to have a vaginal birth. You also can ask your doctor if you can try … For instance, if a breech labour progresses too quickly, a vaginal birth may be the only option. During a twin birth in …