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HealthLinkBC files
… infection (STI) caused by a parasite called Trichomonas vaginalis . It is commonly called ‘trich’ (sounds like … How is it spread? Trichomoniasis is spread by having vaginal sex with a person who is infected with the parasite. … of the genitals Pain or a burning feeling when urinating or during sex For men symptoms can include: Unusual fluid from …
Health topics
… the vagina. Both conditions are easy for your doctor to see during a physical examination. They often occur at the same … time and are usually caused by damage that happens from a vaginal delivery. While it is common to have some degree of … is done to help with symptoms such as pressure on the vaginal wall from the movement of those organs, difficulty …
Medical tests
… arteries (four-vessel study) carrying blood to the brain. During an angiogram, a thin, soft tube called a catheter is … was put into your blood vessel. This will help prevent bleeding. A small device may also be used to close the blood … blood flow to the brain, arm, leg, or intestine (bowel). Bleeding from the needle site may occur. Also, a blood clot …
Health topics
… Treatment can usually cure hepatitis C. How is it diagnosed during pregnancy? A blood test for hepatitis C is usually … you have hepatitis C unless your nipples are cracked or bleeding. How can you care for yourself at home? Go to all … you have hepatitis C unless your nipples are cracked or bleeding. How can you care for yourself at home? Go to all …
Health topics
… or take other measures to prepare. You also may experience vaginal dryness. If this becomes a problem, vaginal lubricants are available to provide moisture. You … may be helpful. Some women notice that they become aroused during breastfeeding. Although this sensation is similar to …
Health topics
… or more obvious when you strain or bear down (for example, during a bowel movement). A rectocele and an enterocele may … are treated most successfully with surgery that repairs the vaginal wall. This surgery pulls together the stretched or … until it is so large that it pushes into the middle of the vaginal canal. Rectocele and enterocele often occur with …
Health topics
… area is called the epidural space. An epidural can be used during childbirth to partly or fully numb the lower body. … you get will affect how numb you are. For labour and vaginal birth, a low dose of medicine is often used to … is a seizure. Labour and Delivery Vaginal Birth After Caesarean (VBAC) Current as of: …
Health topics
… (restorative surgery). Surgery to close the vagina (vaginal obliteration). This surgery is only an option if you no longer want to have vaginal sex. Removal of the uterus (hysterectomy). During restorative surgery for bladder, urethra, rectum, and …
Health topics
… heartburn occurs every day. It can cause problems such as bleeding, trouble swallowing, and weight loss. Heartburn may … Heartburn is more serious when it occurs with belly pain or bleeding. Belly pain, especially pain directly below the … causes no discomfort. Children who often vomit after eating during the first 2 years of life are more likely to have …
Health topics
… this page: Overview Overview During childbirth, the perineum stretches and often tears. … in the weeks after childbirth. People having their first vaginal delivery also had lower rates of episiotomy . … massage oil on your fingers. Or you can use a water-soluble vaginal lubricant, such as Astroglide or K-Y Jelly. Place a …