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3985 results found
Health topics
… as a CT scan or an MRI to check your brain for bruising or bleeding. You may need other tests. How is a TBI treated? If … help you get better: Get plenty of sleep, and take it easy during the day. Don't drink alcohol or use drugs. Return to … as a CT scan or an MRI to check your brain for bruising or bleeding. You may need other tests. How is a TBI treated? If …
… It may also be used to prevent blood clots after surgery, during dialysis, during blood transfusions, when collecting … bone pain easily broken bones This medication can cause bleeding if its effect on your clotting proteins is too … your doctor right away if you develop any signs of serious bleeding, including unusual pain/swelling/discomfort, …
HealthLinkBC files
… Sleep For My Baby . What can I do to keep my baby safe during sleep? Put your baby to sleep on his or her back … sleep. Do not use items that prop the baby in one position during sleep. If your baby has a health condition that … up if there is any smoking in the home, if smoking occurred during the pregnancy or if the adults in the bed are less …
Health topics
… the uterus. This may allow your doctor to use a smaller cut during the surgery. And it can also improve anemia before surgery by stopping uterine bleeding for several months. There are different ways to do … be a reasonable treatment option if you have: Heavy uterine bleeding or anemia that is not relieved by treatment with …
HealthLinkBC files
… changing condoms or washing toys may also pass the virus. During a primary first outbreak, it is possible to pass the … pregnancy can pass the infection to their baby during a vaginal childbirth. What are the symptoms? Most people never … (BV) (#08g) Pubic lice (#08h) Molluscum contagiosum (#08i) Vaginal yeast infection (#08j) Chlamydia (#08l) HIV and HIV …
Health topics
… the skin, alone or in groups. Most people get a few moles during their first 20 years of life. They are usually brown … area with an anesthetic first. If the procedure causes any bleeding, your doctor may apply a medicine that helps stop the bleeding. Then the doctor will put a bandage on the area. …
Health topics
… means that the cervix can't stay tightly closed during the second trimester of pregnancy. Instead, the … low in your pelvis. Low backache or cramping. Change in vaginal discharge. It could be thinner; more than before; or … low in your pelvis. Low backache or cramping. Change in vaginal discharge. It could be thinner; more than before; or …
… as sore throat that doesn't go away, fever) easy bruising/bleeding mental/mood changes vision changes This drug may … to a bacteria called C. difficile. This condition may occur during treatment or weeks to months after treatment has … or repeated periods may result in oral thrush or a new vaginal yeast infection (such as oral or vaginal fungal …
Health topics
… as aspirin, ibuprofen, or naproxen, may cause increased bleeding. Non-poisonous snake or lizard bite If you are sure … treatment to reduce symptoms and prevent infection. Stop bleeding with direct pressure to the wound. Inspect the … helps reduce the chance of infection. When to call for help during self-care Call a doctor if any of the following occur …
Health topics
… isn't right for everyone, because it can cause serious bleeding. You and your doctor can decide if aspirin is a … heart attack and stroke. But aspirin can also cause serious bleeding. You and your doctor can decide if aspirin is a … a heart attack or stroke. Do not take the NSAID pill during either the 8 hours before or the 30 minutes after you …