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HealthLinkBC files
… or by a parent, child, or pet rolling onto the baby during sleep. What causes SIDS? The cause of SIDS is not … own. Avoid using items that prop the baby in one position during sleep. If your baby has a health condition that … of alcohol and other drugs The use of certain substances during and after pregnancy may also increase the risk of …
Medical tests
… Progesterone is a female hormone produced by the ovaries during release of a mature egg from an ovary (ovulation). … is not fertilized, progesterone levels drop and menstrual bleeding begins. During pregnancy, the placenta also … know the first day of your last menstrual period. If your bleeding pattern is light or begins with spotting, the first …
… bleed near the spinal cord after certain spinal procedures. Bleeding in this area can cause paralysis that lasts a long … ask your doctor about the benefits and risks. The risk of bleeding may be higher if you have a deformed spine, or have … may be at greater risk for bleeding while using this drug. During pregnancy, this medication should be used only when …
Health topics
… or milk intolerance . Overeating or swallowing too much air during feeding can cause belly cramps. These cramps can make … other signs of injury, such as swelling, bruising, or bleeding. Crying and abusive head trauma Crying can be very … other signs of injury, such as swelling, bruising, or bleeding. Crying and abusive head trauma Crying can be very …
Health topics
… points to remember Circumcision is surgery. It causes pain during and after the procedure. After the foreskin is … as scarring of the penis, are rare. Minor risks include bleeding and infection. Some parents choose circumcision … has a problem with his penis, or has a family history of bleeding problems. What can you expect after circumcision? …
Health topics
… ways as they grow and develop. How to help a child during the grieving process Here are some ideas for helping a child during the grieving process. First, examine your own … with an adult. Evaluate the activity. Observe your child during and after the activity. What emotions did your child …
Medical tests
… growths (such as tumours or polyps ), inflammation, bleeding, hemorrhoids , and other conditions (such as … and look at different sections of the colon. Anoscopy. During an anoscopy, a short, rigid, hollow tube (anoscope) … done to look for causes for symptoms such as unexplained bleeding from the rectum, long-lasting diarrhea or …
Medical tests
… scan uses X-rays to make pictures of the head and face. During the test, you will lie on a table that is attached to … a brain injury, a brain tumour, a ruptured aneurysm , or bleeding inside the head. Look for problems of the middle … and position. There are no foreign objects or growths. No bleeding or collections of fluid are found. Abnormal: A …
Health topics
… best if you don't go longer than 4 hours between feedings during the day and no more than 6 hours between feedings at … Options include: Birth control pills, skin patches, and vaginal rings. But it's best to use progestin-only options … Options include: Birth control pills, skin patches, and vaginal rings. But it's best to use progestin-only options …
Health topics
… cm (2 in.) . Your baby's head will grow at its fastest rate during the first 4 months after birth than at any other … "cone-head." This is most common with babies who are born vaginally (rather than by caesarean section). Bruising may … "cone-head." This is most common with babies who are born vaginally (rather than by caesarean section). Bruising may …