3985 results found
… have any serious side effects, including: confusion easy bleeding/bruising decreased interest in sex changes in … disorder) personal or family history of suicide attempts bleeding problems personal or family history of glaucoma … in children who are taking this drug. See also Warning. During pregnancy, this medication should be used only when …
Medical tests
… scan that is done to look at these organs for disease. During a liver and spleen scan, a radioactive tracer … or most of your clothes. You will be given a gown to wear during the test. You will empty your bladder right before the scan. During the test The technologist cleans the site on your arm …
Medical tests
… three-dimensional (3-D) view of the parts of the eye . During the examination, your doctor can look at the front … rheumatoid arthritis . To keep checking on problems such as bleeding after an eye injury. To keep checking on problems … Infection, such as iritis or conjunctivitis , is found. Bleeding is seen between the iris and cornea (hyphema) from …
Health topics
… Collateral Ligament (LCL) Injury Leg Amputation Leg Cramps During Pregnancy Leg Injuries Leg Problems, Non-Injury … Steve's Story: Coping With Arthritis Stopping Facial Bleeding Stress and Back Pain Stroke: Preventing Injury in … and Heat Therapies Using Crutches Using Ice and Cold Packs Vaginal Dryness Vertebroplasty Water Exercise Weakness and …
Medical tests
… buildup of fatty material called plaque in a blood vessel. During a CT angiogram, you lie on a table that passes … a medicine called a beta-blocker to slow your heart rate during the test. Benefits and limitations A CT angiogram is … doctor finds a major blockage in one of your blood vessels during a CT angiogram, you won't be able to get an …
… symptoms such as stomach pain, diarrhea, and rectal bleeding caused by irritation/swelling of the colon/rectum. … condition and response to treatment. Drink plenty of fluids during treatment with this medication unless otherwise … in the urine) dark urine yellowing eyes/skin easy bruising/bleeding A very serious allergic reaction to this drug is …
Health topics
… tried. The buildup often happens in the belly. Treat the bleeding that can happen when veins swell and break open because of the high pressure. This is called variceal bleeding. TIPS may be used when other treatments for the bleeding don't help or while you are waiting for a liver …
Health features
… protection from Hypothermia and cold temperature exposure during extreme cold weather. Emergency warming centres and … website. Featured topics Common illnesses and injuries during winter Cold and flu, and some other conditions and illnesses are more common or worse during the winter months. The holidays can also be a …
Health topics
… used in childbirth? You have many choices to relieve pain during childbirth. These include medical and non-medical … may help reduce pain and help you feel a sense of control during labour. These techniques include: Support. Having a … only job is to give you constant support. Distraction. During early labour, you can walk, play cards, watch TV, …
Health topics
… least 4 weeks after the vaccination. footnote 1 Before or during pregnancy: Flu (influenza), COVID-19, and whooping … and Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis) vaccines during pregnancy is considered safe for your fetus. And … influenza (flu) vaccine yet, get the flu shot before or during your pregnancy. footnote 2 This is especially …