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Health topics
… to take the stairs as often. If you can afford it, think about getting an electric lift to take you up the stairs. … the most of your intimate time with your partner. Think about what could help you be more comfortable. Share your … Talk with your doctor if you or your partner is worried about having sex. Your doctor can give you support and …
Health topics
… rehab program. It is probably most useful to first learn about RPE with a health professional, such as an exercise … when you feel angina symptoms. Talk to your doctor about when you should call about angina symptoms. There are also medicines your doctor …
Health topics
… weeks or months, it can lead to health problems. Worrying about it only makes it worse. The good news is that if you can change the way you think about sleep, and then make some simple lifestyle changes, … use a sleep mask. If watching the clock makes you anxious about sleep, turn the clock so you can't see it, or put it …
Health topics