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… is a summary and does NOT have all possible information about this product. This information does not assure that … ask your health care professional for complete information about this product and your specific health needs. Warning … It is very important to talk with the doctor about the risks and benefits of antidepressant medication …
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… it diagnosed? The doctor will examine you and ask questions about your symptoms and past health. If the doctor thinks … Tests Your doctor will do a physical examination and ask about your medical history to see if you have symptoms of … becomes severe, you may want to talk to your doctor about whether you'll be a good candidate for a liver …
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… or isn't used to drinking, you need to be even more careful about how much alcohol you drink. When is it okay for young … their children how to drink safely and responsibly. Talk about the risks and dangers of drinking alcohol. Discuss your family rules about alcohol use. Make it clear if you don't want your …
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… and Tests To diagnose thyroid cancer, your doctor will ask about your medical history and do a physical examination. … , and targeted therapy . Your doctor will talk with you about your options before making a treatment plan. Learn … to you better understand your illness, talk more openly about your feelings, or decide what treatment you want or …
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