6360 results found
HealthLinkBC files
… care facility or move to another location. For information about emergency preparedness and planning at the facility where your family member lives, you may ask: What is the … how can you make your home safe and secure Things to think about include: Mobility aids, such as a walker or a …
Health topics
… positive ways. For example, by hearing "Great job! You used your words when you were angry instead of hitting," a child … of others (empathy). For example, asking "How do you think your friend felt when you were teasing her?" helps your child understand that their actions affect others. …
Health topics
… of varicose veins by improving blood circulation in your legs. Try to walk every day. Bicycling and swimming are … say swimming is ideal because, in addition to working your legs, it puts the legs at heart level and avoids the … For more information, see the topic Fitness. Exercise your legs. When you are sitting down, rotate your feet at …
Health topics
… choices Find healthier substitutes for high-fat snacks. If your favourite high-fat snack is potato chips and dip, try … example, keep healthy snacks with you at work or school, in your car, and at home. If you have a healthy snack easily … cheese and sliced tomatoes or red pepper strips. Make your own healthy trail mix with high-fibre cereal, dried …
Health topics
… Children often also have a cough. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will ask about your current symptoms and how long you've had them. … if you have allergies. Consider talking to your doctor about immunotherapy, such as allergy shots. Avoid breathing …
Health topics
… make one or two cuts (incisions) over the broken bone in your hip. The pieces of bone are moved into the right … can walk, swim, dance, golf, or bicycle. Ask your doctor about other activities you would like to do. Your doctor may … can walk, swim, dance, golf, or bicycle. Ask your doctor about other activities you would like to do. Your doctor may …
Health topics
… during pregnancy Depression during pregnancy is common - about 10 to 15 per cent of women will develop it. This form of depression can affect your health, the health of your developing baby, and your … can take to find relief and feel better: Talk to someone about how you're feeling . Staying in close connection with …
Health topics
… You probably got it from doing activities where you twist your arm over and over. This can stress the tendon, causing … Your doctor will check your elbow and ask questions about the elbow problem, your daily activities, and past … elbow, a doctor will examine your elbow and ask questions about the elbow problem, your daily activities, and past …
HealthLinkBC files
… of pregnancy related complications. If it gets very hot in your home, plan to go somewhere cooler if possible. By … cool and hydrated Drink plenty of water and other fluids (about 3-4 litres of water a day), especially if you are … try to limit your caffeine intake to 300 mg per day (about 1 1/2 cups of coffee) and no alcohol intake. If you …
Health topics
… people, but it doesn't work for me." Changing her thinking about food Changing how she thought about food also helped Dawn go from dieting to healthy … family member, or co-worker who has the same goals. "Get yourself a partner, somebody who will help you stay …