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Health topics
… this page: Overview Overview Protecting your baby Each new learning stage for your baby requires you to pay more attention to prevent an injury. It may surprise you how fast your baby can move from one stage to the next. Being aware …
Health topics
… ability to function. With care and good communication with your child's doctor, it is possible to provide some, if not total, relief. How to know if your child is in pain Pain can be difficult for a child to … the signs can be hard to recognize. Signs that may mean your child is in pain include: Changes in usual behaviour. …
Health topics
… How can you break your nose? You can break your nose during play, sports, fights, and falls. But it may be hard to tell if your nose is broken. Swelling can make your nose look …
Health topics
… Get started There are ways to make healthy eating fit your budget. You'll be surprised by how spending just a … the week when the ingredients for dinner are already in your kitchen. Keep a list of what leftovers are in your refrigerator and freezer. That way they won't go to …
Health topics
… protect you from exposure to a potential infection from your health professional in the unlikely event that you come … there's no chance that blood is present. How can you reduce your risk of exposure to blood and body fluids? Blood and … precautions . You may wish to have gloves available in your home, office, or vehicle if you think you may be …
Health topics
… sure you do not become dehydrated. Dehydration occurs when your body loses too much fluid. This can happen when you … heart, or liver disease and have to limit fluids, talk with your doctor before you increase how much fluid you drink. … lasts longer than 24 hours. Electrolytes are minerals in your blood that keep many systems in your body working …
Health topics
… Failure Actionset Overview Triggers are things that make your heart failure symptoms worse. Triggers upset the delicate balance in your body, causing fluid to build up in your lungs and your body. This makes it even harder for your
Health topics
… three need careful attention; they can get very sick. When your toddler has a cough or cold, you might notice a runny … (which may or may not produce mucus), fever or sore throat. Your toddler may also be irritable.  To support a healthy … antibiotic-resistant superbugs. If you are concerned about your toddler’s cough or cold, call HealthLink BC at …
Health topics
… you may be ready for gentle strengthening exercises for your stomach, back, and legs, and perhaps for some … it may also help you recover faster, prevent reinjury to your back, and reduce the risk of disability from back pain. … be active soon after noticing pain, and gradually increase your activity level. Too little activity can lead to loss of …
Health topics
… Last updated August 10, 2013 During the first 18 months, your child will babble constantly. It's part of learning … more words will come. Learn what else you can expect with your toddler's language development at this age. Language … Follow simple directions Look at what you're talking about Start combining words to form two word sentences. For …