6360 results found
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… Overview Overview Many people worry about going to the dentist. You may be very nervous and may actually feel sick to your stomach. Some people become so nervous that they just … of bad teeth or bad breath. To help get over being nervous about the dentist, it is helpful to understand why you may …
Health topics
… to 1 Month On this page: If your baby is born with Down syndrome , you will likely have … child's long-term care needs. Your doctor will talk to you about various issues during your baby's scheduled checkups. In addition to talking about health problems, your doctor may talk with you about …
Health topics
… hard. Instead of telling others how you feel, you may keep your feelings bottled up. But talking with a therapist can … PTSD. In CBT, a therapist helps you deal with your feelings about the past. You'll have weekly hour-long visits for a … have changed. For example, a soldier may feel guilty about decisions he or she had to make during war. Cognitive …
Health topics
… help with the effects of that stress. For example, knowing about a child's ACEs can help a doctor find the right ways … with things like sleep or behaviour issues. And knowing about ACEs in an adult can help a doctor understand that … doctors know about them, they can better support you and your family. How screening is done In most cases, ACEs …
Health topics
… is often on things that are negative. For example, you talk about each other's problems a lot. Or you give up what you want so you can make your friend happy. But then you feel miserable. Or maybe … This makes sense. You are close to them, and you care about them. But if you feel bad most of the time, then this …
Health topics
… teachers, and school counsellors may also be able to help your child. The ways children express grief are often … the grieving process. First, examine your own feelings about loss. This is especially important if you lost someone … you recognize and understand your child's feelings. Think about what helped (and didn't help) you deal with the loss. …
Health topics
… Taking Care of Yourself When You Have a Child With Physical, Emotional, or … training, job training, and counselling). Ask your doctor about other resources that can provide you with needed … with raising a child with special needs. Seek information about your child's condition so that you will know what to …
Health topics
… but a little behind in another. At routine checkups, your child's doctor will check for milestones. This is to … you spot problems early. And it can help you feel better about how your child is doing. Talk with your doctor about any concerns you have about your child's health, …
Health topics
… 9, 2024 Overview Nutrients are found in food and help your body work as it should. Learn about carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Carbohydrates Find out about carbohydrates, including their functions, where to …
Health topics
… Depression screening is a quick way for a doctor to see if your child has symptoms of depression. This screening is … Your teen or older child may be asked to fill out a form about their depression symptoms. It's important for your child to be honest about how they are feeling. The doctor and your child will …