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6361 results found
Health topics
… have a cough for more than 4 weeks. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will ask you about your symptoms and examine you. This usually gives the … than 4 weeks. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will ask you about your symptoms and examine you. This usually gives the …
HealthLinkBC files
… there is a chance that one or more larvae will burrow under your skin. Since the larvae cannot survive in humans they … to the area, local health officers or parks representatives about the water condition before getting in any lake, pond … beaches have signage for swimmer’s itch. If you are unsure about the water, avoid areas with lots of weed growth. There …
Health topics
… with diarrhea. You can become infected if you do not wash your hands after contact with these feces. Reptiles, baby … a physical examination. Your doctor will ask you questions about your symptoms, foods you have recently eaten, and your … a physical examination. Your doctor will ask you questions about your symptoms, foods you have recently eaten, and your
Health topics
… most important things are how often you breastfeed or pump your breasts and how well your breasts are emptied. So the more often you feed your baby and empty your breasts, the more milk your body …
Health topics
… kidney disease? Diabetic kidney disease is damage to your kidneys caused by diabetes. This is sometimes called … is hard on your kidneys. Talk to your doctor or dietitian about how much protein is best. Limit your salt. This helps … disease. If you need help quitting, talk to your doctor about stop-smoking programs and medicines. These can …
Health topics
… you may return home a few days after the completion of your coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) procedure, it may … your recovery. As you heal and get stronger, you can think about setting goals to make lifestyle changes that will help … your recovery. As you heal and get stronger, you can think about setting goals to make lifestyle changes that will help …
Health topics
… Having anemia means you don't have enough red blood cells . Your body needs these cells to carry oxygen from your lungs to the rest of your body. Sometimes a long-term disease keeps your body …
Health topics
… at different times of the year. Learning what triggers your allergy symptoms will help you manage and treat your allergies. Managing your allergies is an important part of your health and can …
Health topics
… the signs can be hard to recognize. Signs that may mean your child is in pain include: Changes in usual behaviour. Your child may eat less or become fussy or restless. Crying, … side effects. Pain isn't a visible symptom, so you and your child's treatment team will need to rely on your child …
Medical tests
… of peripheral arterial disease (PAD). A slight drop in your ABI with exercise means that you probably have PAD. … resting ankle-brachial index is 1.0 to 1.4. This means that your blood pressure at your ankle is the same or greater than the pressure at your