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6360 results found
Health topics
… reckless, risky, or antisocial activities without thinking about the consequences. For example, children and teens may … and do something else. ADHD: Helping Your Child Get the Most From School Attention Deficit … reckless, risky, or antisocial activities without thinking about the consequences. For example, children and teens may …
Health topics
… antidepressant medicines and the risk of suicide. Talk to your doctor about these possible side effects and the warning signs of … medicines and the risk of suicide. Talk to your doctor about these possible side effects and the warning signs of …
Health topics
… of the person who is burned (not fingers or wrist area) is about 1% of the body. Use the person's palm to measure the … are unsure, it is best to discuss the size of the burn with your doctor. Burns and Electric Shock … of the person who is burned (not fingers or wrist area) is about 1% of the body. Use the person's palm to measure the …
Health topics
… after a blow to the eye. Use home treatment to help relieve your symptoms. A direct blow to the eye can damage the … was a blow to the eye, check for other injuries . Concern about the eye may cause you to miss other more serious head … was a blow to the eye, check for other injuries . Concern about the eye may cause you to miss other more serious head …
Health topics
… private. Be specific. Tell the person that you are worried about their substance use and want to help. Give examples of … aren't punishing the person but that you want to protect yourself from any harm that their habit causes. For example, … private. Be specific. Tell the person that you are worried about their substance use and want to help. Give examples of …
Health topics
… the foods they buy. If you want to use fat replacers, think about the following: Current research shows that … on fat replacers. If you want to include fat replacers in your diet, talk with a registered dietitian. Related … the foods they buy. If you want to use fat replacers, think about the following: Current research shows that …
Health topics
… the way you eat doesn't always mean you have to give up your favourite foods. Maggie Morris includes her beloved … or filet mignon in her food plan. But she has them only about every three months. And she has small portions. "I … or filet mignon in her food plan. But she has them only about every three months. And she has small portions. "I …
Health topics
… Overview Overview Most children have a large vocabulary—about 13,000 words—at age 6. But they have limited ability … comprehend a lot of what adults discuss with them. Ask your child to repeat back what you have said. This will give … content . … Overview Most children have a large vocabulary—about 13,000 words—at age 6. But they have limited ability …
… is a summary and does NOT have all possible information about this product. This information does not assure that … medical advice and does not substitute for the advice of your health care professional. Always ask your health care professional for complete information about this product and your specific health needs. Uses This …
Health topics
… hormone slows things down. They: Control the rate at which your body burns calories (your metabolism). This affects whether you gain or lose weight. Can slow down or speed up your heartbeat. Can raise or lower your body temperature. …